Exercise Fitness

How to Burn More Calories


If you are interested in burning more calories throughout the day, follow these steps to turn your body into a fat-burning furnace.

Step It Up

Walking is a great and easy way to burn calories. You’ve probably heard the tips on parking further away from the entrance to a building and taking the stairs over the elevator. Both of these methods help you burn a few extra calories during the day. If you’re really motivated, try walking or biking where you need to go rather than driving or riding the bus.


Rather than use the dishwasher or an automatic car wash, perform these tasks yourself jobs yourself. Doing the dishes, preparing meals, and washing your car are just some activities that can help you burn more calories.

Change Your Workout to the Morning

By switching your workout to the morning hours, you are making sure to get your exercise completed before things can come up and push aside your routine. Morning exercise has been shown to reduce cravings throughout the day, leading to fewer calories ingested.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration slows down metabolism, so be sure to drink at least eight cups of water every day. Drinking ice cold water helps burn a few extra calories because your body exerts a tiny bit more effort to bring the water to body temperature. Also consider the addition of green tea to your daily routine. Green tea helps to increase metabolism just a bit, helping you to burn more calories. Not a fan of tea? Thermogenic Formula has the same metabolism-boosting effect.

Do Mini Exercises Everywhere

If you’re standing in line, lift yourself on the balls of your feet then lower and repeat. If you must be seated for periods of time, you can do desk exercises such as modified leg lifts or dips. Every movement burns more calories than just remaining sedentary.