Exercise Fitness

How to Run Longer


One of the most common goals for runners at all levels is to be able to run longer. This is true for everyone from newbie runners to experienced marathoners. It can be frustrating when you hit a block and seemingly can’t go any farther. Fortunately, there are some reliable tips to help you achieve your goal of running longer.

Have Realistic Expectations

Running longer will take time. No ifs, ands, or buts. Don’t expect to double your distance every day or every few days. Take note of any improvements, no matter how small. If you can increase your distance in small increments, this will eventually mean big improvements over time.

Stay Well Hydrated

You must consume lots of water when you are running long distances. You should take a sip at least once every 20 minutes or so. You can drink plain water or energy drinks if you prefer, but make sure you are replenishing those fluids. For a quick energy boost, try Pre-Workout Training Booster Formula. This advanced supplement is loaded with carbs, protein and other nutrients to improve your endurance .

Slow Down

Many runners have trouble increasing their distance because they are running too fast. It’s almost impossible to focus on both speed and distance, so make your choice. You don’t have to slow down to a snail’s pace, but even slowing your pace slightly will make it easier to go farther. As you get used to the increased distance, you can add speed again.

Have the Right Gear

Make sure you have quality gear. This means running shoes, socks, and the appropriate clothing for the weather. When you are trying to make improvements, you need all of the advantages you can get. Great running shoes won’t allow you to run further on their own, but they can make it easier to give it your best effort with fewer painful side effects such as blisters.

Nourish Yourself

You should be eating a healthy diet overall. For long-distance running, you should consume some energy in the form of carbs every hour. This can be an energy bar, or a pre-workout supplement. This will help sustain you and prevent energy crashes.

Don’t Overdo It

Even though you are anxious to run longer, you don’t want to push yourself so hard that you injure yourself. If you feel pain or extreme fatigue take a walking break. You should consider increasing your distance as a long-term goal, which means you want to keep your body as fit as possible.