Product Spotlights

24-Fit System: MenScience Product Spotlight

If you want to lose weight or build muscle, a good diet and regular exercise only gets you so far. To really take your body to a whole new level, you need supplements. Among the most important ones are a thermogenic formula and a CLA supplement. Both of these men’s nutritional supplements can help you burn fat and gain muscle mass for the body you’ve always wanted.

Here at MenScience, we’ve combined the two supplements into the 24-Fit System, a round-the-clock nutrition system that helps you transform your body by gaining more muscle and burning more fat.

How It Works

MenScience 24-Fit System is composed of two phases: the A.M. phase and the P.M. phase. This two-part regimen ensures that you are helping your body burns calories and builds muscle all day long.

The A.M. Phase: Before breakfast in the morning, take 2 tablets of MenScience Thermogenic Formula, which contains several natural ingredients that boost calorie burn. Green tea, creatine, guarana and taurine work together to help increase your metabolism and give you a much-needed energy boost to get more out of your workout. It’s essential that you take the thermogenic in the morning as opposed to later in the day – taking it too close to bedtime can keep you up at night. For more on how MenScience Thermogenic Formula  works, check out “What is a Thermogenic?

The P.M. Phase: Take 2 capsules of MenScience Advanced CLA Supplement Formula with food. The advanced active isomers in conjugated linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid, have been shown to stimulate muscle-growth processes and improve strength when combined with resistance training. Although CLA is found naturally in certain high-protein foods such as turkey, it’s only in small amounts and they typically aren’t active isomers. Advanced CLA Supplement Formula provides high-quality active CLA isomers in an ideal dosage to maximize the potential for increased muscle mass. For more on CLA, check out “What is a CLA supplement?

Keep in mind that 24-Fit System is not meant to replace a healthy diet and exercise. It’s a supplement that enhances the results you see from adopting a healthy lifestyle. For tips on starting a good diet and workout plan, check out MenScience Boot Camp.

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24-Fit System Benefits

Here’s a brief rundown of why MenScience 24-Fit System is the right supplement system for your weight loss and muscle growth needs.

Ideal way to burn more fat. There’s no easier way to burn more calories than by using MenScience Thermogenic Formula. Taking it in the morning will have your metabolism burn fat around the clock.

Advanced way to support lean muscle growth. Our CLA supplement contains only the most active isomers of CLA, so that you get maximum muscle growth potential for your money.

– Lasts all day. Because 24-Fit System is broken down into two phases, your body gets a continual dose of necessary nutrients to keep your metabolism and muscle synthesis going all day long – morning, afternoon and evening.

– Natural ingredients. There’s nothing artificial about our products.  Advanced CLA Supplement Formula is free of any stimulants, and MenScience Thermogenic Formula contains only natural ingredients like green tea extract and guarana as well as several vitamins and minerals.

Pharmaceutical-grade quality. The 24-Fit System has been prepared to the highest pharmaceutical standards of purity, effectiveness and safety to ensure you get the results you expect.

Other Men’s Supplements to Consider

Men’s Antioxidant Supplement: Chances are you aren’t getting enough antioxidants in your diet. As a result, you’re missing out on some powerful antioxidants that have anti-aging properties. Using a men’s antioxidant supplement can provide your body with a much-needed nutrient boost that may help reduce aging signs like dark circles and wrinkles.

Men’s Omega-3 Supplement: Studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids can help boost brain power and keep your heart in tip-top shape. Omega-3s are typically found in fish but can also be found in a more concentrated supplement form. You want an advanced omega 3 fish oil supplement that has the ideal ratio of DHA/EPA for men and has been pharmaceutically distilled to the highest purity and concentration.

Men’s Multivitamin: No matter how well – or how much — you eat every day, you’re still missing out on some key nutrients that your body needs to function at optimal levels. Taking a men’s multivitamin helps fill any nutrition gaps your diet leaves behind.