Living a healthy lifestyle is something that is often easier said than done, given the hectic nature of our lives. So when research arises that touts the health benefits of something fun like drinking wine, people will sit up and take notice.
As with most claims of this nature, the key word to remember is — of course — ‘moderation’. It goes without saying that if you drink wine excessively, there will be no health benefits to be gained whatsoever. But if you’re sensible and drink wine to the recommended levels, then you might be surprised by some of the health benefits that may arise.
Wine, particularly red wine, is often associated with certain health benefits if you approach it sensibly. Let’s take a look at some of these potential health benefits that can arise from drinking wine in moderation:
Lower Risk of Heart Attacks – There are many studies that have found a correlation between a decreased likelihood of heart attacks and moderate wine drinking. According to a study from the Harvard School of Public Health, people with high blood pressure who drink moderately may be as much as 30% less likely to suffer from a heart attack than non-drinkers.
Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risk – A study from Amsterdam’s VU University Medical Centre uncovered a link between drinking wine and a lower likelihood of developing Type 2 diabetes. In a study spanning 12 years, they unveiled that moderate wine drinkers have 30% less chance of developing Type 2 diabetes than their non-drinking counterparts.
Longer Life Span – A Finnish study (over 29 years) found that those who drank wine regularly (but not to excess) had a 34% lower mortality rate than those who drank beers and spirits. This study focused on just under 3000 men, and the length of the study seems to indicate that there may well be some longevity benefits associated with drinking wine in moderation.
It goes without saying that health studies in relation to alcohol need to be verified, and you should always make sure that you drink only in moderation. These studies don’t prove that you’ll live longer if you drink wine, of course, but if you drink it both in moderation and in conjunction with healthy living in general, then you may go on to discover some of the health benefits mentioned above.
One of the beauties of both red and white wines is the fact that they can be combined with various dishes to enhance the flavor of that dish. For example, white wines are particularly good in conjunction with many fish and seafood whereas red wines are a better fit for red meats like beef and lamb.