Health Nutrition

7 Thanksgiving Tweaks to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


The holiday season is a time for friends, family and festivities. It’s also a time for delicious yet not-so-healthy foods! We men tend to pack on the pounds during the holidays, especially Thanksgiving. With the average American consuming a day’s worth of calories in one Thanksgiving meal, a traditional Thanksgiving dinner can wreak havoc on your waistline. Fear not: The following holiday tweaks will help you indulge without leaving you stuffed like a turkey.

1. Have breakfast Thanksgiving morning. If you’re thinking about skipping breakfast to make room for that big holiday dinner, think again. By eating a morning meal, you’re kick-starting your metabolism for the day and increasing your calorie burn. Burn even more calories by taking MenScience Thermogenic Formula before breakfast.  This  formula contains green tea, guarana and other ingredients to fire up your metabolism for maximum fat loss.

2. Control your portions. Eat with your stomach, not your eyes. As good as the Thanksgiving spread looks, don’t start piling a mountain of food onto your plate. Take a little bit of everything, finish that food and get some more if you’re hungry. With that said…

3. Pace yourself. It takes time for your body to signal that it’s full, so although you might still be hungry after that helping of turkey, mashed potatoes and marshmallow-covered yams, wait a few minutes. Your stomach is about the size of two closed fists, so it’s likely that the first helping of food was enough to fill you up. Your body just doesn’t know it yet.

4. Load up on veggies. Vegetables like pumpkin, green beans, sweet potatoes and carrots are loaded with antioxidants that are not only good for your skin, but also for your overall health. Stock up on these during dinner and avoid the glazes and toppings that might accompany them – you don’t need the extra sugar. Not a fan of vegetables? Try the MenScience Advanced Antioxidants Daily Supplement to meet your antioxidant needs.

5. Lay off the alcohol. Alcohol lowers your inhibitions and stimulates your appetite, which increases your chances of reaching for that pumpkin pie. Alcohol also dehydrates you, so you’re likely to wake up with dry mouth and undereye circles – not to mention other hangover symptoms. If you do decide to indulge, make sure to drink water in between drinks to stay hydrated.

6. Eat your turkey skinless. Turkey is packed with protein as well as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), an omega-6 fatty acid that supports increases in muscle mass and decrease body fat; it’s also the key ingredient in the MenScience Advanced CLA Supplement Formula, which can help you achieve a leaner look. By getting rid of the skin, you’ll be cutting down on not only calories but also fat and cholesterol.

7. Focus more on the people, not the food. Food is only one part of the holiday. Don’t forget the fact you’re surrounded by great family and friends (unless you hate your in-laws). Engage in conversation and share some laughs. Before you know it, you’ll be too distracted to want that second helping of dessert.