
How to Improve Your Concentration and Focus


Responsibilities can be hard to juggle. When your attention is divided among work, family and a host of other daily tasks, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose focus.  To help you focus better and maintain your sanity, we’ve put together this helpful list of tips. Here are some ways to improve your concentration and increase your focus:

1. Exercise. Although it may seem like it should be the last thing on your mind, a good workout can help boost your focus and concentration. Working out naturally boosts your mood through the release of endorphins, which are “feel good” hormones; whether you’re running outside or hitting the weights at the gym, exercise is the best antidote for stress. For even more focus and concentration, consider a men’s pre-workout supplement. A pre-workout supplement for men like MenScience Pre-Workout Training Booster Formula uses natural ingredients to help you focus better as well as improve exercise performance. “What is a Pre-Workout Supplement?” lists more benefits of using this type of men’s sports nutrition supplement.

2. Get rid of distractions. Focus on the task at hand and nothing else. Log out of Facebook, leave your phone in the other room, lock yourself in your study and get to work. The fewer distractions, the sooner you can finish work and move on to your next activity. If you get distracted, you’ll be wasting valuable time; things can start piling up fast and you’ll stress out. Whatever you’re working on should have your undivided attention. “How to Reduce Stress” offers more time management tips.

3. Power up your brain. Omegas 3s get a lot of attention – and it’s all well deserved. They’ve been shown to benefit our bodies in a number of ways. Recent research suggests that omega 3 fatty acids may help elevate our moods and boost brain power. In turn, this may result in improved concentration and focus. To boost your intake of omega 3 fish oil, consider a pharmaceutical-grade omega 3 supplement – it’s a convenient way to increase your consumption without overhauling your diet. “The Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids” lists other ways that this powerful nutrient can help you.

4. Don’t sweat the small stuff. If you start feeling overwhelmed, ask yourself if whatever is bothering you will matter a year from now. Chances are that it won’t. Putting things into perspective is a great way to increase concentration and focus; you’ll be able to better discern between what needs to get done and what can wait. Once you realize that some of the things you’re working on are actually wasting your time, you can reprioritize and manage your time more efficiently.

5. Hit the sack early. One of the most important things we sacrifice when we’re swamped with things to do is sleep. A lack of sleep can hinder your concentration – not to mention increase your risk of puffy eyes and dark circles. Give yourself a deadline each night and stick to it; promise yourself not to work or worry after a certain time. This way, you can get to bed earlier and get some much-needed rest. If you already suffer from eye puffiness and other skin problems due to a lack of sleep, consider a men’s eye cream and anti-aging formula to restore your skin’s look.