
5 Cardio Mistakes Men Make

Every man needs an outlet. Whether your outlet is running, cycling, swimming, rowing, or basketball, you need to get out there regularly and let out some steam. Men who never get outside and move their bodies end up having meltdowns at work and at home. So cardio is good!

Unfortunately, a lot of guys have the tendency to fall into the same destructive workout patterns, and sometimes those bad habits come back to bite them in the butts. Have you allowed any of these bad habits to slip into your cardio routine?

Skipping Warmups and Pre-Workout Stretching

Admit it. You didn’t warmup before your last run, did you? It’s not the end of the world if you miss it on occasion, but I think we both know that you skip it almost every time. That needs to stop. You won’t be a kid forever, and there will come a day when your calves will rebel and absolutely ruin your day. So start every workout with a short warmup and stretch – in that order – and keep those injuries away.

Only Performing One Type of Cardio Activity

This is a big one, right here. Runners love to run, cyclists love to ride, and golfers love to golf. But all of them will run into repetitive muscle strain and worn out ligaments if they refuse to change it up every other day. Cross-training isn’t just for triathletes. It’s a necessary strategy or every athlete. You have to keep muscle imbalances from developing, or you will end up on the sidelines with overuse injuries for weeks at a time. “How to Prevent Workout Injuries” offers more tips on avoiding strains and other common workout problems.

Doing Nothing But Cardio

You don’t have to be a bodybuilder or anything, but lifting weights should be a part of every man’s training program. Don’t worry about bulking up and looking like one of those huge bodybuilders. A little heavy lifting once per week won’t turn you into Arnold, but it will improve your bone density and joint strength as well as even out any strength imbalances between opposing muscle groups. Plus, a little more meat on those arms won’t kill you. Don’t forget to take workout supplements, too. Creatine and whey can help you see significant boosts in muscle size and power.

Doing The Same Workout Every Day

Doing a variety of exercises to work all your muscles is important, but cycling your intensity in each activity is a good idea too. Does your bike program consist of nothing but long, slow distance training on flat terrain? Even if your part of the world doesn’t have a hill in sight, you can still work in some hard, sprint intervals or spend an entire ride using only the big gears. The point is that spinning your brains out every day keeps you from reaching your potential. Plus, it’s boring.

Wearing Skimpy Running Shorts

Seriously, guys. This is the worst offense on the list! Everyone can see your hairy butt cheeks hanging out. If more guys would only let their wives or girlfriends (or both!) pick their running shorts for them, the world would be a much better place.

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