
Best Shoulder Exercises for Men


If you are looking to take your shoulder workouts to the next level, here are five major shoulder exercises you should incorporate into your workout schedule. These movements are the best exercises to grow muscular shoulders. Make sure you complement your workout with creatine and an anabolic activator for maximum results.

Barbell Military Press

This exercise is performed using a standard barbell. In most gym settings, there is a rack barbell rack specifically designed for performing this exercise. Load the barbell with the appropriate weight and perform a standard press. Another great variation to this exercise is using a supinated or reverse grip to add more challenge. Military presses can also be performed with dumbbells.

Clean and Press

The Clean and Press is an all-out explosive compound movement that recruits the shoulders, core, traps, biceps, glutes and calves. The press phase of this movement directly targets the shoulders and upper chest and is perfect for athletes and bodybuilders looking to develop serious shoulder strength. This movement begins in a deadlifft position and then transitions into a clean. The clean position is performed by simply shrugging the barbell up from the hips and loaded onto the chest. From there, an upward press movement is performed.

Kettlebell Clean and Press

Another great and explosive compound movement that shocks shoulders, core, traps, back and legs is the kettlebell swing. This movement begins in a squat position with a kettlebell cleaned from in between the legs and then pressed upwardly.

Lateral Cable Raises

Great shoulders requires exercises that hit every angle of the deltoid. Lateral cable raises are performed by bending over in a 90 degree angle and raising a cable from the bottom of the machine. This exercise directly targets the posterior deltoid, traps and part of the back.

Battle Ropes

Using battle ropes is also a great way to develop shoulder endurance and strength. Highly underutilized by men in the gym, using battle ropes in a variety of manners can be used to not only develop shoulders but also get in a great high intensity cardio session. Ropes are used by simply swinging ropes up and down or sideways for minute or two.