
Burn Calories at Work: 10 Nutrition & Fitness Tips


Oh, boy. You’ve been putting in extra time at the office, and it really shows. Most office workers can’t avoid sitting for long periods of time, and all too often there’s all kinds of tempting goodies and catered lunches on hand. An office job can be much worse for your health than the “freshman fifteen.” Here are some simple ways you can burn calories at work on an ordinary office day, as well as some men’s nutrition tips to help you avoid the cheesy macaroni at lunch.

Men’s Fitness Tips for the Office

1. Get an Exercise Ball. Pick up one of those big, bouncy exercise balls and substitute it for your chair in your office. Not only will it be novel and fun, but you’ll also be able to give yourself an abdominal workout just by sitting at your desk. The basic concept is instability, which means you burn a lot of calories just by trying to maintain your balance; it takes a lot more effort to sit on an exercise ball than it does in a comfy leather chair.

2. Work out in your chair. You should be taking a break every hour or so to avoid eye strain from staring at your screen. During one of these breaks, do three sets of twelve tricep dips. If you have a private office, you might also do some push-ups — even modified pushups, using the wall. Both of these exercises are great ways to boost upper body strength and muscle. Read “10 Quick Tips to Build Muscle” for more tips on stimulating muscle growth.

3. Put your radio to good use. If you use a radio at work or listen to an online music streaming service, do a circuit of exercises during commercial breaks. You’ll be able to burn calories in the office without shirking your duties – listening to music during a workout has been shown to help boost performance and productivity. Check out MenScience Boot Camp for more exercise ideas.

4. Take the stairs. If you work in a big office building, take the stairs to your floor whenever possible – especially if you only work one or two floors away. If your office only has one floor, consider walking to your coworker’s desk instead of sending them an email when you need their answer on something. Whatever opportunity you have to get out of your cubicle or office, do it.

5. Walk during your lunch break. Instead of sitting at your desk during, consider walking somewhere instead.  The point is to be active, even if it’s a walk down the street. In the end, small changes like this can add up to big weight loss. Just be consistent – doing it only one day out of the week is unlikely to bring about any noticeable results.

Men’s Nutrition Tips for the Office

1. Have real fruit instead of juices. Sugary and yeasty drinks have been the caloric downfall for many a man. How many cans of soda, juice, or beer do you drink every day? Assume each of these has at least 150 calories. Chances are you add several hundred extra calories to your daily consumption just with manufactured drinks alone. If you’re craving your daily glass of orange or grapefruit, have a whole fruit instead. You’ll get additional fiber and find that you feel more satisfied. Another issue with liquid calories is that they aren’t as filling as those from whole foods, so you end up overeating. Read “8 Calorie Cutting Tips for Men” for more diet advice.

2. Eat the right carbs. It’s a common misperception lately that men should cut out all carbs entirely if they want to look lean and chiseled. However, studies show that people who drastically cut their carbohydrates were less happy than those who ate a varied diet, which included whole grains. Put healthy whole grain foods into heavy rotation in your diet. Whole grain products give you long-lasting energy and also help you to feel full. A slice of whole grain toast smeared with fresh avocado is a wonderful snack and surprisingly filling. Choose foods like whole grain breads, quinoa, and oatmeal. Moreover, this healthy diet will improve the quality of your skin and hair, as well as your sleep. Check out “The Truth About Carbs” for more info on this important nutrient.

3. Supplement your diet. A men’s thermogenic like MenScience Thermogenic Formula can help you increase your calorie burn even if you don’t find any workplace exercise opportunities. This thermogenic formula for men naturally supports your metabolism so that you expend more calories during the workday. Also, make sure you consider taking the right men’s sports nutrition supplements such as creatine and whey protein to make the most of any workplace workouts. In addition, men’s pre-workout supplements and post-workout supplements will bolster results when paired with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Read “What is a Thermogenic Supplement?” for more information on fat burners for men.

4. Bring lunch from home. If you have the time, pack your own lunch. Making your own lunch lets you have the final word on what goes in your stomach – and hopefully it’s healthy. Another advantage to bringing your own lunch: You save money. Who doesn’t want to  save a little extra cash?

5. Take a day off — from your diet. Give yourself a vacation from your diet occasionally. It’s good to vary your caloric intake sometimes so that your metabolism doesn’t slow down. If you have a day every so often when you go wild, your body will be less likely to hang onto every last calorie. If you’ve been eating well for several days or weeks prior, you’ll also find that your appetite has shrunk in size.