
Grooming Tools Every Man Should Have


A few decades back, one of the major benefits of being a man was not worrying about how you look. For guys, it was a girl’s duty to fascinate them with mesmerizing looks. But now, try and ask a girl what traits she looks for in a guy. You will find ‘good looks” tops the list. With an ever-growing emphasis on appearance, it’s more important than ever to be well groomed.

Gone are the days when you could go on a big date by just taking a shower and shaving a little. Like ladies, every man must follow a good grooming regimen that could keep him in the hot list. Don’t worry: No one is telling you to stand in front of the mirror all the time. Just take out a few hours to look your best with these grooming tips and tools:

Shaving Cream: A shaving cream not only helps in removing facial hair but also exfoliates and moisturizes the skin. Don’t use soap or any low-quality ingredient to prepare your face for shaving. A good quality cream might be a bit expensive but pays off in the end.

Pre-Shaving Lubricant: Using a pre-shave oil or lubricant helps all the dead skin cells  come to the surface of skin. So when you shave after using this oil, all the dead cells are removed and your skin looks fresh and exfoliated. If possible, you can keep a warm cloth on the surface of the skin; this will leave your skin cleaner than ever.

Trimmers: Manscaping trimmers are useful in trimming all types of hair. Trimmers can be used to remove your chest hair, armpit hair, eyebrows, or even tacky hairs coming out of your nostrils. They are much safer to use than a razor.

Hair spray or Pomade: Your hair is also important in grooming. Use a hairspray to give hair a little shine and improved texture. Some hair types should avoid hairsprays since they can leave it looking greasy. If  you encounter that problem, you can try a pomade. Pomade is similar to hair spray but never leaves your hair sticky.

Mouthwash: Always have mouthwash or breath mints on you because bad breath stinks. Don’t rely only on your toothbrush because even the brush can contain many germs that contribute to halitosis..

Sunscreen: Never forget sunscreen. The harmful rays of the sun can do a lot of damage to your skin. Protect your skin with a high-quality SPF 30 sunblock suited to your skin.