
How to Become More Physically Active


We’re all busy, especially those of us climbing up the corporate ladder. Because we’re so busy putting in hours at work – not to mention handling other daily obligations — it can be difficult to find time to be active. Here are five tips that will help you sneak a few minutes of activity into your busy day:

1. Wear a pedometer. Pedometers, available at any fitness store or department store, count the number of steps you take. Simply knowing how many steps you have taken can encourage you to take more. Experts recommend working up to 10,000 steps per day. More walking equals more calories burned, which in turn can result in faster weight loss. Adding a thermogenic supplement to the mix can maximize your results. “How to Speed Up Your Metabolism” offers more weight-loss suggestions.

2. Park farther to burn more calories. When parking at work or a store, park the car toward the end of the lot. This gives you the opportunity for extra steps toward the daily requirement. Using the extra 2-3 minutes to walk from the back of the lot to the store will help you become more active and fit. While this won’t replace a workout, it’s a start. “How to Get in Shape” provides more simple solutions to help you start a healthy lifestyle.

3. Take the stairs to build stronger legs. When you have a choice of elevator or stairs, always take a few extra minutes to take the stairs. For most people, the pedometer count will increase tremendously when they begin taking the stairs. Also, stairs work the muscles in the legs, butt and core; you’ll also notice improved endurance. “Increase Your Endurance” has some great tips to help you improve your fitness levels.

4. Find a favorite activity to get you moving. If you get active doing something you love, you will be more likely to stick with it. The trick lies in finding it. Joining a gym or taking up a sport are both good options. Couch to 5k programs exist to help people start running. Other ideas include gardening, heavy house cleaning, yoga and many other activities will help you get active and burn calories. Regardless of the activity, make sure you’re taking supplements to improve workout quality and boost your results. “Best Workout Supplements for Men” explains in detail which men’s workout supplements you absolutely need.

5. Turn family time into active time. Evenings, weekends and other family times can also be active times. In the spring and fall, take the kids to the park, walk around the zoo or play a game of Frisbee. In the summer, swimming is a great family activity to become more physically active. In good weather, just taking the kids and the dog out for a walk can be a wonderful calorie-burning activity.