
How to Change Up Your Workout

Starting a workout program is only half the battle. The other half is sticking with it. After a while, your workouts can grow boring and kill your exercise motivation. We’re here to put a stop to that. Here are some ways to keep your workouts interesting and maintain your workout motivation.

Switch Positions

One easy way to keep your workouts interesting is by switching positions. If you usually sit down for certain exercises, then change things up by standing. This simple switch can help target different muscles and kick-start your results if you’ve reached a plateau.

Try a Different Grip

Switch your grip when lifting weights or performing sort of anaerobic activity. For example, if you usually do pull-ups with your palms facing you, turn them around and make them face outward. Again, this helps target different muscles and can help liven up an otherwise stale workout.

Work Out at a Different Time

If you usually work out at night, try working out in the morning. You might discover that working out in the morning helps you wake up faster and provides you with more energy during the day. Similarly, if you’re a night owl, you might find that working out in the morning isn’t exactly the best idea.

Slow Down (or Speed Up)

Some of us like to rush through our workouts and get on with our day. If this is you, take a breather and slow your pace. If you’re a slowpoke, you should speed things up. Slowing down or speeding up can make your muscles work harder and possibly improve your results. Experiment with different speeds during your workout and see what works best for you.

Change Your Equipment

If all you use our dumbbells, give machines a chance. Mixing machines and free weights is one of the most effective ways to build muscle. You can also try other handy equipment like elastic bands, which are perfect when you’re on the go and don’t have a gym around.

Take Supplements

To get the most out of your workouts, you should consider taking men’s sports nutrition supplements. Supplements such as creatine and whey can help you perform harder and longer, resulting in fast and visible results. If you’ve reached a workout plateau, a men’s nutrition supplement may be just what you need to break through it. “The Best Workout Supplements for Men” has a list of supplements to consider.