
How to Prevent Athlete’s Foot in Men

Athlete’s foot is a very common ailment that affects men. Caused by the tinea pedis fungi, this infection can be contracted several different ways. In order to keep this nasty infection away, there are several steps you must take. But first, let’s take a look at the causes.

What Causes Athlete’s Foot?

You can get athlete’s foot a number of ways, but these are the three most common ways it’s contracted:

1. Using public facilities such as showers and saunas

2. From pets that go outside to use the restroom

3. Directly from another person

How to Prevent Athlete’s Foot

– Always wear sandals or shower shoes in public facilities. Keeping your feet up off the floor is the easiest way to prevent an athlete’s foot infection. Make sure your footwear is designed for use on wet concrete, to minimize the risk of falling.

– Keep your feet dry. Use only cotton socks and make sure they stay dry. If you are prone to sweating feet, make sure you take an extra pair of socks with you and change them during the day. In addition, keep your shoes dry. If the inside of your shoes are wet, you need to allow ample drying time before wearing that pair of shoes again.

– Use a men’s foot powder throughout the day. MenScience Advanced Body Powder contains corn starch and other skin-friendly ingredients to control moisture and prevent your feet from becoming a bacterial breeding ground. “Tips for Healthy Feet” offers some more prevention tips.

Treating Athlete’s foot

There are several medications that are available over-the-counter to eradicate an athlete’s foot infection. Many are available in creams as well as in spray powders. For best results, use the medication for as long as the package recommends. Using the medication only until the visible signs of the infection disappear may result in the infection returning.

In addition to using a medication, you will need to discard your shoes. Although it is possible to kill all of the fungi that are present in your shoes, it’s very difficult. Most often, people will repeatedly infect themselves because they do not discard their shoes.

If over-the-counter medications are not working, or if your case of athlete’s foot is very advanced, it may be necessary to see a physician. Physicians can prescribe oral or topical steroids to minimize the inflammation as well as oral antifungal medications to get rid of the fungal infection. Other at home remedies you can use include soaking your affected foot in vinegar and hot and cold compresses.

Whether you’re trying to get rid of an athlete’s foot infection or just want to prevent one, it’s important to follow these guidelines. Although athlete’s foot is not normally indicative of other underlying medical conditions, it could be, especially if the infection does not clear up or you continue to get infected.