Ingredients MenScience FAQ Product

MenScience Omega 3 Purity, Concentration, Ingredients and Supplement Facts

The Fish oils contained in the MenScience Omega 3 are at very high concentrations and by simply taking two of these gel caps you will get a maximum strength dose of 1,500 mg of Omega 3. Additionally, besides it being prescription strength, this product has an excellent combination of the best fatty acids, thus containing an excellent dietary source of the important omega 3 fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), DPA (docosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).

Although exact percentages may vary slightly between each manufactured batch, our current batch of MenScience Omega 3, contains a total Omega 3 Fatty Acids of 92.4%, thus resulting in a high strength, pure and pharmaceutical grade Omega 3 Supplement Formula.

We suggest that when shopping for a great Omega 3 supplement, you consider the above information including not only the amount of EPA but also the combination with other fatty acids like DPA & DHA and, of course the percentage of Total Omega 3 Fatty Acids in the formulation.