
Top 5 Running Mistakes


Whether you’re a carrying a little extra weight and want to lose weight or you’re looking to get fitter through running, there are several mistakes you can make that will hinder your progress and stop you in your tracks. Running is not a simple science and shouldn’t be seen as a quick fix. There are ways to make it an enjoyable and long lasting experience that will be a huge benefit to your health and well-being. Below are five of the biggest mistakes that new runners make when they start to hit the pavement:

Too Much, Too Soon

This is a common mistake and is a horrible way of your body turning your enthusiasm against you. It feels great to get out there and start running, but it’s important to build your stamina and capabilities over time so it becomes a more rewarding experience. There is no point collapsing after ten minutes and never wanting to do it again, or injuring yourself by putting too much strain on the joints. Slowly build your stamina by introducing intervals – walk, run, walk, run – and you will reap the benefits as your stamina improves.

The Wrong Trainers

It is not a very wise move to think that you can just start running in your 10-year-old comfy trainers. Comfort is important, yes, but not as important as having proper running shoes designed to make running a rewarding experience that will lower the risk of injury and damage to your feet. There are a number of running shops around, and they have facilities to check your posture and running style and point you in the right direction in terms of what trainers you should be wearing for your runs.

Not Drinking Enough Fluids

We’ve all had a stitch at some point in our lives. That horrible sharp pain in our side that hinders our run and makes us look like a pensioner rather than a fit and ready running machine! Stitches are the cause of not drinking enough fluids whilst running, so it is imperative to have a bottle of water or some kind of liquid with you on your run. Dehydration can lead to all kinds of health problems, from severe headaches to dizziness and nausea, so keep drinking.

No Fuel in The Tank

Keeping hydrated is important, but eating is equally important. Food is what keeps you going when you’re out in the field or on the treadmill, so keep the fuel tank ready by eating the right foods at the right time. Don’t run on an empty or full stomach, but some light carbs 1-2 hours before a run will be good to keep your motor running. Also, don’t forget to have something to eat after your run, as this will decrease the risk of soreness to bones and muscles and aid recovery. A men’s post-workout supplement that contains proteins and carbs can help you recharge after a running session.


It is important to increase the intensity of your training when you are ready, but don’t run the risk of overtraining. Your body needs to recover from these workouts, so give yourself rest days or lower intensity runs every one or two weeks to enable your body to get the rest it needs. You will reap the rewards in the long run as your fitness will improve and your body won’t be giving up on you when you need it the most.

Daley works with Simply Gym and is an avid runner and gym rat! He loves writing about fitness and providing tips to a healthier lifestyle.