
Debunking 6 Big Men’s Nutrition Myths

There’s a lot of men’s nutrition misinformation out there, so we want to clear some things up. Read on to test your men’s nutrition knowledge and see if you’ve been falling for one of these misleading myths.

Myth #1: All fats are created equal.

The Facts: If you’ve been following a low-fat diet, you could be missing out on some essential fats that are actually good for you. While trans fats and saturated fats should be avoided, good fats like omega-3s and omega-6s can help boost heart health and offer many other health benefits. Sources of good fats include fish, nuts and poultry. Not a fan of any of those? Consider an omega-3 supplement and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) supplement to get your good-fat fix.

Myth #2:  You need to drink eight glasses of water daily.

The Facts: Although some studies suggest that eight is the magic number, others disagree. You might need more if you exercise a lot or you might need less if you’re sedentary. Regardless, it’s important to stay hydrated. Not drinking enough water can have a detrimental effect on your skin, causing it to be dry and flaky.  In addition to drinking more water, try a men’s moisturizer to further prevent dryness.

Myth #3: Avoid carbs at all costs, especially in the evening.

The Facts: Contrary to popular belief, carbohydrates after a certain time – or at anytime – won’t affect your weight-loss goals as long as you’re within your daily caloric needs. If you’ve eaten more calories than you’ve burned during the day, you will gain weight – regardless of whether you ate carbs, protein or fat. For more about carbs, check out “The Truth About Carbs.”

Myth #4: You can get all the nutrients you need from diet alone.

The Facts: Although a healthy diet should cover most of your nutritional needs, there are still some nutritional gaps that only a men’s multivitamin can fill. Because multivitamins contain the daily recommended allowance of an assortment of nutrients, they’re a simple way to fuel your body every day. Check out “Men’s Multivitamins 101” for more information.

Myth #5: I can eat anything I want as long as I exercise.

The Facts: If only it were that easy. Studies indicate that we tend to overestimate the amount of calories we burn in a workout. Just because you run 3 miles (which burns about 300 calories) doesn’t mean you can indulge in that Big Mac (540 calories) without hurting your progress. Word of advice: Think before you eat. Get more nutrition advice from “10 Men’s Nutrition Tips You Need.”

Myth #6: Wine is a healthy source of antioxidants.

The Facts: Wine contains healthy antioxidants, but you should drink wine for its taste and not for its antioxidant properties; there are more effective sources of antioxidants out there. Why are antioxidants such a big deal in the first place? They’ve been shown to fight free radical damage that can contribute to aging signs like wrinkles and dark circles as well as certain health conditions.  First, if you don’t eat fruits, veggies or nuts, it’s time you started (Check out this men’s nutrition story for suggestions).  Also, take a daily antioxidant supplement to bring your antioxidant intake full-circle.