Skin Care

Easy Skincare Tips for Men


1. Cleanse

–   Wash yourself daily with a men’s face wash and men’s body wash to remove debris and other residue that may clog pores and contribute to skin problems.

–  Do not use soap and water on your face. They can strip the skin of essential oil and cause dryness and flakiness.

–  When selecting a men’s cleanser, check the label to make sure it contains salicylic acid and glycolic acid. Both help wash away dead skin cells that other men’s cleansers cannot.  Read “Men’s Face Wash Vs. Men’s Face Scrub” for more info on men’s cleansers.


2.  Exfoliate


– This should be part of your men’s skincare routine if it isn’t already. However, only do it 2-3 times a week. More than that may irritate the skin.

– Exfoliating before shaving can help ready your skin for a close shave as well as open pores and prevent ingrown hairs. Use a men’s face scrub for best results.

– Don’t scrub too hard – be gentle. Also, don’t exfoliate after exposure to the sun. This can contribute to skin irritation.

– Don’t just exfoliate your face. Exfoliate all over to remove debris on the rest of your body as well. You can never be too clean! Read “Exfoliation 101” to learn the ins and outs of exfoliating.


3. Shave


– Opt for a foamless shaving cream. A lot of commercial shaving creams for men are just foam and not much else – too much foam can actually dry your skin out.

–  For a better shave, shave while showering or right after.

–  Don’t neglect aftershave. A post-shave product for men can help soothe skin and lessen the risk of ingrown hairs and razor burn. Check out “Common Men’s Shaving Mistakes” for a list of shaving blunders to avoid.


4. Moisturize


–  Avoid a greasy look by choosing an oil-free moisturizer.

–  In drier weather conditions, it’s okay to reapply moisturizer later in the day.

–   Look for hyaluronic acid and glycerin. These “true moisturizers” can quickly revitalize your complexion.

–  If you have eye-area problems, consider an eye cream for men. An eye cream is specifically designed for the skin around your eyes, unlike regular moisturizers.


5. Repair


–   Your skin won’t become perfect overnight. Continue using your men’s skincare products for several weeks to see results.

–   Make sure you use reputable products as opposed to just any random skincare cream.

–   It’s simpler to prevent skin problems than to fix them. By avoiding irritating ingredients and using only the best products, you can stop skin problems before they happen.