
6 Quick Diet Tweaks for Men


We know you’re busy so we’ve put together this short list of simple diet tweaks that will go a long way in getting you the physique you’ve always wanted. Follow these six simple suggestions to start living healthier today.

1. Have protein at every meal. You always hear about carbs and fats, but proteins deserve just as much attention. After all, proteins are the building blocks for muscle and provide more satiety than other nutrients. At every meal, try to have at least one source of protein even if it’s something as simple as a whey protein shake; lean cuts of meat and poultry are loaded with protein and keep fat to a minimum. Many protein sources also contain conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which may help boost lean muscle mass; you can also get CLA from MenScience Advanced CLA Formula. For more on CLA, check out “What is a CLA supplement?

2. Drink more. No, we’re not talking about hitting the local bar. We’re talking about drinking more water and healthy beverages like coffee and tea. Soft drinks and juices pack a high-calorie count that can mess up even the best diets. Drinking more water will keep you full between meals and stop you from overeating – you can read more about its benefits in “9 Hydration Tips for Men.” Green tea and coffee have the added benefit of a thermogenic effect. This means they naturally boost your metabolism so you burn more calories throughout the day. You can get the same effect from MenScience Thermogenic Formula. For more on thermogenics, read “What is a Thermogenic Formula?

3. Don’t skip meals. Skipping meals is a recipe for diet disaster. Missing a meal not only increases your appetite and raises your risk of overeating later, but it also encourages your body to hold onto fat. Starving your body kicks your body into survival mode, in which it will keep fat stored for future use. If you’re trying to lose weight, this is the opposite of what you want. To keep your metabolism burning, try to eat 5-6 smaller meals a day. You can find more metabolism-boosting tips in MenScience Boot Camp.

4. Eat the right fats. We’ve been taught to believe that all fats are bad for us. This simply isn’t true. Your body needs fats to survive, and there are certain fats are crucial to your health (like CLA, which we mentioned earlier). Omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil, for instance, are found in a variety of foods as well as men’s nutrition supplements and have been shown to improve cardiovascular health and reduce inflammation. Your best bet is avoid saturated fats and trans fats and consume more unsaturated fats. “Dietary Fat: The Basics” has more information on the different types of fats you’ll encounter.

5. Slow down. This applies to your eating habits and other aspects of your life as well. If you scarf down your meal in a just a few bites, chew slower to enjoy the full flavor of the food in front of you. Chances are you won’t be able to finish what’s on your plate – eating slower gives your body enough time to signal that it’s full; this prevents overeating and cuts your calorie intake. It’s also important to slow down your personal life. If you’re always on the run or overwhelmed with obligations, clear your mind with some yoga or exercise. Stress can do a number on your health – and especially your skin. Read “Stress and Acne Breakouts” for a good example of stress’s effect.

6. Do your research. Staying informed is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. MenScience Magazine has hundreds of blog posts covering all aspects of men’s health. With the latest news, research and advice at your fingertips, you’ll find it much easier to look and feel your best at all times. We’re here to meet all your nutrition, fitness and skincare needs.