Skin Care

8 Men’s Skincare Myths


Common Men’s Skincare Myths

If you want the truth about men’s skin care, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve rounded up some of the most common men’s skincare myths out there and put them all in one spot. Read through the list to see just how much you really know about taking care of your skin.

Myth No. 1 – The more I wash my skin, the better it’ll look and feel.

The Facts: There’s no reason to wash your face and body more than once or twice a day. Anything more than that and you risk not only irritating your skin but drying it out as well. Washing skin too much strips it of the essential oils it needs to stay smooth and healthy. So the next time you reach for that men’s face wash or men’s body wash, use as directed. Your skin will be grateful. On a related note…

Myth No. 2 – Using more of a men’s skincare product will produce better results.

The Facts: Using a larger amount of a men’s skincare product like a men’s eye cream or men’s acne cream is tempting but won’t make the products work any better. In fact, using excessive amounts of these skincare products can give your skin a greasy appearance – not exactly the look you want.

Myth No. 3 – Shaving creams that produce a lot of foam provide a better shave.

The Facts: More foam does not equal a better shave. The key to a close shave is a shaving cream that protects and hydrates the skin. So opt for a men’s shaving cream that contains natural moisturizing ingredients like glycerin and aloe – that’s your best bet. Check out “Common Men’s Shaving Mistakes” for more shaving advice.

Myth No. 4 – Popping a pimple is the best way to get rid of acne fast.

The Facts: Whatever you do, do not pop that pimple; popping a pimple leaves behind a long-lasting mark. So think about this before you pop: Would you rather have a temporary zit or a permanent scar? Thought so. Now apply a men’s acne cream with benzoyl peroxide to say goodbye to that pimple. Looking for more acne myths? Read “Quiz: Acne Facts vs. Acne Fiction.”

Myth No. 5 – All anti-aging creams are created equal.

The Facts: If you want to get rid of wrinkles, fine lines and other aging signs, there’s one major ingredient you should look for when it comes to a men’s anti-aging cream: retinol. It’s been touted by researchers as one of the most effective anti-aging ingredients available. For more about this anti-aging powerhouse, check out this retinol article.

Myth No. 6 – If you have oily skin, you don’t need moisturizer.

The Facts: You need a men’s moisturizer regardless of your skin type. Oil and moisture are two different things; oily skin still needs to be hydrated properly. A word of advice if you do have oily skin: apply a minimal amount of oil-free moisturizer around the “T” area (forehead, nose and chin) since this tends to be the oiliest part of your face.

Myth No. 7 – You only need to use sunblock when it’s sunny outside.

The Facts: You need sun protection even it’s cloudy outside. Clouds don’t protect you from the effects of UV rays and such rays can be reflected off many surfaces, increasing your risk of sun exposure. It’s recommended that you use a men’s sunscreen anytime you plan on going outside. Apply 15-30 minutes before heading out to allow the sunblock to absorb properly. “Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage” has more great advice regarding sun care.

Myth No. 8 – If you don’t see results immediately, give up and try another product.

The Facts: Good things come to those who wait. Expect to see results within a few weeks as opposed to a few days. So don’t get discouraged; just make sure you’re consistent with your men’s skincare routine. Your skin will do the rest. Trust us – the wait will be worth it.  For examples of men’s skincare regimens, read “Best Men’s Skincare Regimen for Your Skin Type.”