
9 Healthy Eating Tips for Men


Weight loss doesn’t have to be daunting. Burn fat with these simple tips that fit into even the busiest of lifestyles.

Editor’s Note: To complement these weight-loss suggestions and see even better results, make sure you’re taking MenScience Thermogenic Formula and MenScience Advanced CLA Supplement Formula. These two products are designed to help you reduce body fat and build muscle mass.

1. Eat a small meal every 2-3 hours. This helps control hunger better than three huge meals daily.

2. Don’t starve yourself. Doing so has been shown to slow your metabolism and promote fat loss by manipulating insulin levels. If you’re hungry, eat something with fiber or protein – both nutrients tend to fill you up.

3. Stick to a scheduled eating time. By making your body accustomed to eating at a certain time, you’re less likely to snack on unhealthy foods that can send your calorie count through the roof.

4. Always have healthy snacks on hand. Nuts, fruits and veggies are easy to store and are packed with antioxidants and other nutrients your body needs. For more ideas, check out “Fat-Burning Foods for Men.”

5. Eat more protein. Not only does it help build muscle, but protein is also a lot more satisfying than carbs and will keep you full longer. Always stick to healthy protein sources like lean meats and nuts.

6. Control portions. Unfortunately, a lot of food comes in larger portions than they should. Read nutrition labels and stick to 1-2 servings of something instead of the entire bag or container. Your gut will thank.

7. Drink more water. Sodas and juices are packed with empty calories and sugar. Water has no calories, so it’s the best thirst quencher when dieting. Most experts suggest eight glasses of water a day, but you may need more if you’re especially active.

8. Skip the condiments. Mayo and other toppings/sauces can double or even triple the calorie count of your food. Go easy on them or replace them with spices, which tend to be much lower in calories.

9. Slow down. Many of us eat too fast for our own good. Before asking for dessert or getting a second helping, relax for a few minutes to give your body an opportunity to check if it’s full – you most likely are.