When we think of reasons to work out, we tend to think superficially. We’re striving for flat abs, doing endless bicep curls for bigger arms or focusing on another “glamour” muscle. While exercise will certainly help you achieve all those things, regular physical activity can also produce some less visible – but very important — changes. Among these is improved flexibility, which can reduce your risk of injury, relieve stress and enhance workout performance. Here are some ways you can become more flexible and fit.
1. Do some basic stretching exercises. You muscles work in tandem; one flexes a joint and the other extends it. The flexing muscles are the strongest, so extensor muscles tend to shorten and become tight. A muscle that is too tight prevents you from reaching either maximum extension or maximum flexion. This can impede activities such as weight lifting or sports such as soccer, where flexibility is critical. Spending a minute or two stretching before every workout can help improve your flexibility. You may also benefit from a men’s pre-workout supplement, which can bolster your energy and alertness for better overall workouts. “What is a Pre-Workout Supplement?” lists many other benefits of this powerful product.
2. Try yoga. Yoga is a lot more than meditating while chanting “Om.” Yoga is one of the best disciplines for stretching muscles to the max. Yoga poses literally stretch every muscle in the body. Most of the basic yoga poses are easy to learn, but if you really want to get the maximum effect, take a class or find an experienced yoga practitioner to give you individual lessons. Taking classes is also a great way to meet new people and reduce stress, the latter of which may cause skin problems like men’s acne breakouts.
3. Cross train. When you perform the same exercises over and over again, the same muscles get a workout in the same way. Mix it up a little, and you’ll use some different muscles and improve flexibility. For example, running is a great cardiovascular exercise but it’s hard on hamstrings and calf muscles; try swimming instead. You’ll still get a cardiovascular workout, but the muscles in your legs will be stretching in different ways than they do when you run. “MenScience Boot Camp” offers a structured fitness plan that changes every few weeks to keep your muscles guessing.
4. Don’t forget to stretch after a workout, too. Muscles are a lot easier to stretch after a workout. In fact, the best time to stretch is after your workout, when circulation is at its peak and the muscles are relaxed and warm. To help minimize muscle soreness, make sure you include a cool down at the end of your workout. You should also consume a men’s post-workout supplement with carbs, protein and amino acids to accelerate recovery. Refueling your body with nutrients after exercise may further reduce the duration of muscle soreness.