Acne Skin Care

Stop the Stress…and the Breakouts


Stressed and getting acne breakouts? It’s no coincidence. Once considered an old wives’ tale, medical research has just confirmed that there is a direct connection between stress and men’s acne breakouts.

Don’t worry, though. There’s hope. MenScience offers 8 stress-reducing tips to help men prevent stress-related acne breakouts:

1. Eat properly. Regular, healthy eating and good water intake will help battle hunger and dehydration. Left unchecked, these can raise stress and aggravation levels.

2. Balance your diet with nutrients and vitamins by taking nutritional supplements designed for men, like MenScience’s Advanced Antioxidants andOmega 3 Supplement Formula. Clinical studies show that Omega 3’s influence mood, personality and behavior by helping stabilize mood swings – making men better equipped to manage stress.

3. Limit your sugar, caffeine and alcohol intake. Too much can leave you feeling jumpy, jittery and set your heart a-racing. Besides making you feel awful, excess alcohol intake will strip your body of vitamins and destroy your skin.

4. Get a good night’s sleep. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-8 hours a night. Not only does this help the body recharge, it keeps stress levels down and improves your appearance.

5. Exercise. Spend 10 – 20 minutes engaged in physical exercise each day – it doesn’t have to be a gym routine, just going for a brisk walk or taking a bike ride is great. A good workout not only improves men’s physiques, but it also causes feel-good, stress-reducing endorphins to kick in. For more energy, complement your exercise with the Thermogenic Formula, which supports weight-loss processes naturally by increasing metabolic rate and calorie-burning. For faster results, also use the Advanced CLA Supplement Formula, which bolsters muscle growth and decreases body fat for lean muscle mass.

6. Practice relaxation exercises. Even something as simple as taking three or four deep, slow breaths and focusing on them can help calm you down in a stressful situation. If you still feel crazed, go somewhere quiet (like a restroom or outside) and repeat your focused breathing until you feel calmer.

7. Meditate. You don’t have to be a yoga guru to appreciate the benefits of meditation. Take some time out of your day (at least 15 minutes), focus your mind and clear your thoughts. Even if you just spend that time listening to quiet music or looking out the window, it can still help reduce stress levels. You may even want to try a yoga class or two to help get you in the mindset.

8. Have a backup plan. If all else fails and you still have an acne breakout, keep a powerful acne medication on hand to eliminate acne.

The most important thing to remember is to not stress about acne – and definitely don’t pick on it! You’ll only aggravate it. Follow an acne treatment system that uses dermatological grade products to treat and prevent your acne.

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