
Hold the Sunscreen: You Might Need More Sun

A very large percentage of adults and children are simply not getting enough vitamin D, an essential nutrient that’s an antioxidant and critical for bones, muscles and metabolism. Part of the problem is that we’re not getting enough exposure to the sun; because sun causes our skin to age faster, a lot of us are quick to slap on some sunscreen — sometimes too quick. While we strongly recommend you limit your exposure to the sun and wear a sunscreen when outdoors, you should also ensure 5-10 minutes exposure to the sun (without a sunscreen) every couple of days. This should replenish your body’s supply of vitamin D.

Another option is to supplement your diet with vitamin D. You can do this by taking a pharmaceutical-grade broad spectrum men’s multivitamin like the MenScience Men’s Multivitamin,  which contains a healthy dose of vitamin D-3. While you’re probably getting enough of most vitamins in your diet, there’s a high likelihood that you’re probably deficient in a specific vitamin, mineral or trace element. That’s where the benefit of taking an advanced men’s multivitamin formula comes in: You fill in that potential hole in your nutritional needs. – Federico