Skin Care

How a Hangover Affects Men’s Skin


Waking up with a hangover after a fun night sucks. The raging headache and upset stomach can ruin your day, making you want to just stay in bed; they can also have a negative impact on men’s skin.  While there’s no one “cure” for a hangover, there are some things you can do to prevent hangovers and their effects on your skin. But before we get to the list, here’s some background information on hangovers.

What is a hangover?

Most men have experienced a hangover, but do you know what it actually is? In a nutshell, a hangover is the collection of unpleasant symptoms you feel after waking up from a long night of drinking. Although we call it a hangover, its formal name is veisalgia from the Norwegian word Kveis for “uneasiness following debauchery” and the Greek word Algia for “pain”.  Headaches and upset stomachs are some of the most common symptoms; nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth and light sensitivity are also on the list.

Alcohol also has a drastic effect on men’s skin. Because of alcohol’s diuretic effect on the body, men are likelier to experience dehydration, which can lead to skin problems like dry skin and undereye circles. Luckily, an effective men’s skincare routine together with the tips below can help minimize the skin damage done from a night (or several nights) of heavy drinking.

Hangover Prevention

Here are four simple steps you can take to reduce your risk of waking up with regrets:

1. Drink lots of water. Alcohol makes you pee – a lot. You need to replace all that lost fluid to avoid dehydration. Have a glass of water in between drinks to not only stay hydrated, but also pace yourself. Drink too much too soon, and your only memories of the night will be the incriminating Facebook photos.

2. Consider a men’s multivitamin. Drinking alcohol robs you of vital nutrients like B vitamins and magnesium; a lack of these vitamins and minerals can lead to dizziness and weakness. A men’s multivitamin supplement can help offset these nutritional imbalances that contribute to a terrible morning after. Check out the MenScience Daily Men’s Multivitamin to get your nutritional needs met.

3. Choose light-colored alcohol over dark-colored alcohol. Clear spirits like vodka and gin lack cogeners, which are substances that add flavor and aroma to darker drinks. Cogeners increase your risk of waking up with a pounding headache, so stick to the clear stuff.

4. Eat before you drink. Having something in your stomach before you go out helps slow down the absorption of alcohol. It doesn’t prevent absorption, though, so don’t think that you can binge drink. Regardless, you’re likely to drink a lot less if you feel full from a meal beforehand. In the end, it comes down to moderation.

5. Get some exercise. You might not feel like it when you have a hangover, but exercising can help your body metabolize alcohol better and increase oxygen intake, which will make your recovery faster. You don’t need to hit the gym. Go outside for a quick jog or just go walk your dog. The important thing is to get moving.

6. Don’t drink too much. This is the most obvious tip, but it’s easier said than done. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that men should limit their alcohol intake to two drinks per day. The more you drink, the likelier you’ll end up with a hangover the next day. Moderation is key.