
How to Gain Weight: 5 Muscle-Building Tips


There’s a lot of information available on losing weight, but there’s not too much about how to add weight. You’re probably asking yourself, “Why would I want to gain weight?” Most guys who want to gain weight aren’t trying to grow a beer belly – they want to grow muscle. And to grow muscle, you need to bulk up. But before you go scarf down 10 burgers and wash it down with a milkshake, read these tips to gain weight and build muscle the healthy way.

1. Eat more calories than your body burns. Weight loss and/or gain ultimately come down to calories. If you eat more calories than your body burns in one day, you’ll gain weight – and vice versa. In order to gain weight, you need to figure out your basal metabolic rate (Google is your best friend.). Once that’s been established, add 500 calories to that number – that’s what you should be eating daily. This intake will lead to a weight gain of 1 pound per week. MenScience Boot Camp has some great suggestions for keeping track of your calorie intake.

2. Don’t eat crappy food. Just because you’re trying to add weight doesn’t give you the freedom to eat whatever you want. You should be getting the majority of these extra calories from protein, which is essential for muscle growth. A quick, convenient way to boost your protein intake is a whey protein powder for men. MenScience Whey Formula Advanced Protein Complex contains three types of fast-absorbing whey and micronized leucine to maximize muscle gains. Most importantly, it tastes great. Read “The Benefits of Protein for Men” for more details on how protein can help you.

3. Use muscle-building workout supplements. The right supplements can help you gain weight and muscle faster. Two supplements you absolutely need: creatine and an anabolic activator. Creatine helps provide muscles with the extra energy needed to push yourself harder during anaerobic exercise like weight lifting. An anabolic activator contains amino acids and other muscle-building nutrients needed for protein synthesis. Both of these products can be found in the MenScience Scientific Nutrition Build Stack, which is the ultimate supplement collection for noticeable muscle growth.

4. Pace yourself. As tempting as it is to eat 10,000 calories in a day to gain weight faster, you’re better off pacing yourself. Rapid weight gain can actually contribute to stretch marks, an unsightly and often long-lasting skin problem. Try to limit weight gain to 1-2 pounds a week (see #1) to reduce your risk of stretch marks. If you already have stretch marks, consider using a men’s body lotion and scrub to help them fade away.How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks” offers more stretch mark solutions.

5. Do the right exercises. If gaining muscle is your goal, kick cardio to the curb. Weight-lifting is what you should focus on. While cardiovascular exercise is great for heart health and fat loss, it’s not as effective for building muscle. When lifting weights, focus on heavy weight and low repetitions – higher reps do more for muscular endurance than muscle size.