
How to Eat Healthy at the Movies

The movies are a great way to be entertained. Whether you’re in the mood to laugh, cry or just be distracted, a good movie can take you on an emotional adventure. Unfortunately, movie snacks can take your waistline on a completely different adventure. Here’s what you can do to minimize diet damage the next time hunger strikes at the theater:

1. Eat before the movie. The worst thing you can do is arrive at the theater hungry. The manufactured scent of the popcorn and other goodies behind the counter will have you whipping out your wallet in no time. Have a home-cooked meal prior to heading out or grab a healthy meal at a nearby restaurant.

2. Bring your own snacks. In addition to being unhealthy, movie snacks are also expensive – who wants to pay $7 for a hot dog? Save your money — and some calories — by bringing your own snacks. Trail mix, air-popped popcorn and fruit are all great choices that are easy to store and easy to sneak in. You could even sneak in a whey protein shake for a delicious treat. While some theaters discourage this practice, others don’t. Check out “Top Power Foods for Men” for more awesome snack ideas.

3. Be picky. Although the majority of movie snacks are loaded with fat, calories and sugars, there are some foods you can select that won’t hurt your diet too much. These include things such as plain pretzels, hot dogs and diet sodas. While not necessarily healthy, you could do a lot worse – like nachos and cheese.

4. Share. If you do decide to splurge on some unhealthy fare, don’t eat an entire bag of popcorn or bag of candy by yourself. A large popcorn by itself can have upwards of a thousand calories – and of course you’re going to want a sugary drink to wash it all down (another 200 calories down the drain). Split a bag with two – or preferably more – people to minimize your calorie intake. Read “Calorie-Cutting Tips for Men” for more diet suggestions.

5. Practice portion control. Do you really need that combo? You don’t, unless you want to eat a whole day’s worth of calories. Stick to smaller sizes of your movie favorites; after all, if you’re still hungry, you can always go back and buy more. The same holds true for individual items; a small popcorn and small soft drink can have around half the calories of their larger counterparts.

6. Choose frozen yogurt over ice cream. Chocolate chip ice cream can be tempting, especially during hot summer months. If you’re itching for something to cool you off, consider frozen yogurt instead. It’s just as sweet but with less fat since it uses milk instead of cream. A lot of places even let you add your own toppings, including heart-healthy berries and other fruits.

7. Drink water. That feeling you have in the pit of your stomach may not be hunger – it could be thirst. Visit the closest water fountain to hydrate and then wait a few minutes. If you’re full, great. If not, munch on something healthy. A lot of times, you’re really just thirsty instead of hungry. Check out “9 Hydration tips for Men” for more advice on getting enough water.

8. Enjoy the movie. You don’t need food to have a good time at the movies. Ultimately, you’re just there to watch a fun movie with loved ones. Have fun and if you do end up overeating, don’t be too hard on yourself. Do some extra cardio or eat less the rest of the day. One mistake won’t hurt you in the long run.