Skin Care

How to Get Rid of Dry Skin on Elbows


For many men, dry elbows are a common problem. Also known as “ashy elbows,” dry elbows on men can be unsightly due to their roughness and flakiness. If you have a dry elbow (or two), use these men’s skincare tips to hydrate your skin and maintain a healthy appearance.

1. Moisturize daily. There are a lot of things that could be causing your dry elbows: climate, stress and age are just a few factors. Your best defense against these different dry elbow causes is a men’s body lotion. A men’s body lotion with active ingredients like hyaluronic acid can help protect your skin and leave it soft and supple. Apply daily to your dry elbows to help reduce flakiness and other dry skin signs. “How to Apply Men’s Body Lotion” has tips on maximizing the benefits of your men’s body moisturizer.

2. Give your elbows a weekly scrub. Washing your elbows weekly with a men’s scrub can help remove dry skin flakes along with other debris that can accumulate and contribute to ashy elbows. A men’s scrub contains fine exfoliating particles that provides your skin with a deep clean like no other. Weekly use can help improve the appearance of your ashy elbows as well as the rest of your skin. “Exfoliation 101” further explains the benefits of exfoliating regularly.

3. Take lukewarm showers. A hot shower is tempting, but stick to lukewarm water or even cold water when showering. Too many hot showers can leave your skin – especially your elbows – dry and flaky. By limiting hot showers, you’re lowering the risk of developing dry elbows as well as giving your skin time to heal. “5 Dry Skin Causes” lists other things that could be causing your ashy elbows.

4. Stick to liquid cleansers. The majority of mass-market bar soaps can dry out your skin, so use a men’s liquid body wash instead. A men’s premium body wash like Daily Body Wash contains glycolic acid, which can help reduce the appearance of dry patches on your skin – and that includes the ones on your dry elbows. “Choosing the Best Men’s Skincare Products” has great information on how to pick the right men’s skincare products for your skin.

5. Stop leaning on your elbows. Leaning on your elbows stresses your skin and can contribute to development of rough, dry patches. While leaning on your elbows can sometimes be unavoidable (particularly if you work a desk job), try to limit it at the dinner table and during other situations such as when you’re reading a book. This small change can make a big difference.

6. Consult a dermatologist. Sometimes, your dry, ashy elbows can be caused by an underlying dermatological condition. Talk to your doctor about your dry elbow problem and see what solutions they suggest. After all, they know your entire medical history and can prescribe personalized treatments for your dry elbows.