Skin Care

How to Prevent and Get Rid of Loose Skin


Loose skin is a fact of life whenever you lose weight or add muscle, especially if your weight fluctuates quickly. Prevention is key when dealing with loose skin – it’s much easier to prevent loose skin then to get rid of it. Nevertheless, there are some ways improve its appearance if you already have it. Here are just a few methods to prevent and get rid of loose skin:

How to Prevent and Tighten Loose Skin in Men

1. Strive for gradual weight loss. Any changes you want to make through weight loss or muscle gain through weight training should be done gradually. Experts say that a gain or loss of 1-2 pounds per week is healthy. Don’t aim for anything higher than that unless you want to increase your risk of developing loose skin.

2. Follow a strength-training program. Building muscle is an effective way to tighten loose skin resulting from weight loss. Bulking up may help fill out and get rid of excess skin. To maximize muscle growth, make sure you are taking a men’s tri-creatine supplement and post-workout shake; these men’s nutritional products will provide your body the fuel necessary to bulk up. “The Best Workout Supplements to Build Muscle” lists other products to consider taking for better results.

3. Consume enough antioxidants. Antioxidants have been shown to help improve the appearance of skin; this can help tremendously with another skin problem: stretch marks. Eating high-antioxidant foods like fruits and veggies while taking a men’s antioxidant supplement may help keep weight-related skin problems at bay.

4. Use a men’s body lotion. A men’s moisturizer can help improve your skin’s elasticity, which is crucial to tightening loose skin. The less elastic your skin is, the more likely you are to have sagging skin. Moisturize at least once daily to keep your skin hydrated and infused with advanced nutrients that will help the appearance of your loose skin. “How to Apply Body Lotion” offers a step-by-step guide to using this powerful product.

5. Exfoliate regularly. As mentioned earlier, stretch marks are a by-product of loose skin. The longer you’re overweight, the more likely you are to develop these stubborn marks. One way to minimize their appearance is through exfoliation. Exfoliating with a  scrub can help remove dead skin cells and other substances that can contribute to stretch mark development.”Exfoliation 101” explains the ins and outs of this important skincare process.