Anti Aging Skin Care

How to Reduce Age Spots


Few things can damage the skin’s natural appearance as much as ugly dark spots (also called hyperpigmentation).

Research suggests that more than 50 percent of men believe dark spots make them appear much older than they really are. More interestingly, more than 50 percent of men don’t know hyperpigmentation can actually be treated successfully, resulting in an overall healthier and younger looking complexion.

Here are some tips to help you out:

• Use a product with an active skin-fading ingredient. Retinol is the gold standard (1- to 4-percent concentration) used by dermatologists and skincare professionals to help get rid of age spots. Retinol is very effective if used regularly for one to two months. Some redness might develop during treatment, so you should consult your dermatologist if you have sensitive skin or if irritation persists. Kojic acid and vitamin C are also used professionally to even out skin’s coloration, and can complement the effect of Retinol.

• Exfoliate. Gentle exfoliation will help shed the darkened cells and expose new undamaged cells. Glycolic Acid is the most recommended product for mild exfoliation. Use exfoliating scrubs to help you eliminate accumulated dead skin cells.

• Protect yourself from sun exposureSun exposure stimulates pigment production, so don’t expose your skin to the sun while you are trying to fade dark areas. Fading dark spots requires a sustained approach during several weeks while pigment production reaches normal levels and the superficial cells are replaced by new cells, but the results will be worth the time investment.

To improve the appearance of dark areas and age spots,  use Pigmentation Repair Formula, a professional-grade formulation that’s specifically designed for men’s skin.

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