Skin Care

4 Lifestyle Changes for Better Skin


The majority of the US population associates skincare as a female-based priority.  Skincare should not be viewed as a gender concern; it should be viewed as a health and lifestyle concern.  It’s safe to say that many men in the US are not properly looking out for the health of their skin.  Believe it or not, our skin is the largest organ of the human body.  The health of our skin is often an indicator of how healthy we are and how well we take care of ourselves.  Proper skincare for men is just as important as it is for women.  Here are some lifestyle changes geared towards men for better, healthier skin.

Better Nutrition

The saying never gets old “you are what you eat”.  Nutrition and food selection is one of the key components to our overall health and the health of our skin.  Men often eat whatever they like or whatever is most convenient.  Burgers, fries and other processed foods may taste great, but they take a toll on your body.  For better skin, be sure to incorporate a well balanced diet filled with fiber, healthy carbs (vegetables), leafy greens, fruits, protein and vitamin supplements. Fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants, which is great for getting rid of toxins.  Vitamin C, selenium and coenzyme Q10 are all wonderful supplements for better skin and anti-aging prevention.

Stay Fit & Active

Proper exercise is good for you on many levels.  But here’s another reason why going to the gym or keeping up with your cardio routine will benefit you.  Any kind of exercise is good for our heart and our blood circulation.  As an added bonus, the better our circulation, the better our skin.  An increase in blood flow helps keep our skin cells vigorous and nourished. Exercise can also decrease your stress level.  Stress has been associated as the culprit for many negative health side effects, one of which is poor skin.  Stress can cause adult acne and dull skin in men.

Proper Facial Grooming

Shaving is a daily grooming task for most men.  Shaving men’s hair is different from shaving women’s hair.  Women have finer hair while men have coarser hair.  Men are much more likely to run into razor burns, ingrown hairs and cuts on their skin while shaving because of the thickness of their hair.  If you prefer the shaving method, make sure to use proper blades that are not dull.  If you are looking for a more permanent and hassle free solution to shaving facial hair, consider laser hair removal. With laser hair removal for men, you can control how much of your facial hair you would like removed.  Some men prefer to have it all removed, while others prefer to have their hair thinned out.

Daily Skincare Regimen

Having a proper skincare regimen is not just for the ladies.  Women aren’t the only ones who need a proper moisturizer, toner and cleanser.  Just like women, not all men have the same type of skin.  Some men have oily prone skin, some have dry skin and some have a combination.  Finding the right skincare regimen for your skin takes some effort, research and trial and error. MenScience has an assortment of products to help you keep your face and body looking their best.