Diet Fitness

Lose the Last Pounds


A lot of guys find themselves carrying around some extra pounds that just don’t want to leave. You may have lost some weight on your diet, but how do you finally get rid of those last few pounds? Here are 3 tips that will help you do lose the last pounds. 

Watch Your Late Night Snacking

Snacks can sometimes undermine your healthy eating habits. Always be aware of your snacking habits throughout the day. Eating snacks late in the day are especially bad for your diet because you don’t have as much time to work off the extra calories.

It’s a good idea to carry around some healthy snacks so that you aren’t tempted to reach for a candy bar or bag of chips when you get the munchies. Some nutritious snacks include nuts and nut butters, whole grain crackers with peanut butter or hummus, yogurt and vegetables such as carrots or celery sticks. These may not be as mouth watering as junk food snacks, but they are far healthier. A whey protein shake is another good option to fill you up with muscle-building protein.

Drink Low-Calorie Beverages

Another area that can trip you up when it comes to losing those last few pounds is beverages. Sodas, sweetened energy drinks, and even pure fruit juices are high in sugar. Another beverage many guys enjoy is beer, which is one of the highest-calorie alcoholic drinks.

The best beverage for quenching your thirst is water. Next to that, tea is probably best. Green tea either hot or cold is healthy and may even help you to lose weight. Herbal teas are also good and these can be made into iced teas for a refreshing but low calorie summer treat. Green tea in particular is high in antioxidants that can boost your health.

Do More Cooking

One reason many men eat so much junk food is that they don’t bother to cook for themselves. If you fit this description, learn how to cook some healthy meals. This will make it less tempting to always opt for takeout and fast food, which is almost always fattening and unhealthy. Learn how to make healthy salads, which doesn’t even require cooking skills. You only have to go to the store and buy some greens and other vegetables!