
Lose Weight Faster: 6 Ways

Losing weight is a gradual process – you’re not going to go from fat to fit overnight. Nevertheless, there are some ways you can boost fat burn and lose weight faster. Whether you need to lose weight in time for some big event or just want to reach your weight-loss goal sooner, we can help. Follow these steps to maximize fat loss and lose weight faster.

Lose Weight Faster – Tip #1: Take a thermogenic supplement for men. When combined with a men’s exercise regimen, a men’s fat burner can give you the extra boost you need to help your body burn more fat. The green tea and other natural ingredients found in Thermogenic Formula help support your metabolism to burn more calories. This extra calorie burn can result in faster weight loss. For more on how Thermogenic Formula works, read “What is a Men’s Thermogenic Formula?

Lose Weight Faster – Tip #2: Control your cravings. An occasional indulgence or two won’t set back your weight-loss plans too much, but try your best to adhere to a strict diet. The less cheating on your diet, the faster you’ll start seeing weight-loss results. When hunger pangs make an unwanted appearance, drink some water or a whey protein shake to hold you over until your meal – don’t reach for that candy bowl or pay a visit to the office vending machine. Stick to your guns, and you’ll see faster weight loss. “Stop Food Cravings and Reduce Your Appetite” has more men’s diet advice.

Lose Weight Faster – Tip #3: Work out harder. If you want to see drastic results, push yourself during each workout. Run farther, lift heavier, move faster… the more you challenge yourself, the more calories you burn – and the faster you’ll see results. To significantly boost workout performance, consider taking a men’s pre-workout supplement and a men’s creatine supplement. These two men’s sports nutrition supplements can provide you with the extra energy and power to reach your limits – and break through them. “MenScience Scientific Nutrition Program” lists other important men’s nutritional supplements that can help you achieve your weight-loss goal faster. If you have any preexisting medical conditions, consult a physician before engaging in a strenuous exercise program or taking any men’s nutritional supplements.

Lose Weight Faster – Tip #4: Keep a food journal. Tracking what you eat is an efficient way to lose weight faster. By writing down every bite and gulp during your day, you can see what areas of your diet can be improved. Seeing exactly what you’re putting in your body each day can be the wake-up call you need to change your bad eating habits. For help with keeping a food journal, check out MenScience Boot Camp.

Lose Weight Faster – Tip #5: Boost your protein intake. High-protein foods like lean meats and a men’s whey protein powder can help you lose weight faster in a number of ways. First, high-protein foods for men help keep you full longer than foods with high carbohydrate and fat content. This can prevent overeating that can contribute to weight gain. Another benefit of protein: Your body uses more energy (aka calories) to digest protein than other nutrients. A daily whey protein shake is a simple way to increase your daily protein consumption and kick-start muscle-building processes. Read “What is a Men’s Whey Protein Supplement?” for more details on the benefits of whey protein supplementation. Warning: Too much protein can be hazardous to your health, so make sure you avoid eating a protein-only diet; eating a balanced diet can help keep your body healthy.

Lose Weight Faster – Tip #6: Build more muscle. Muscle requires more energy to maintain than fat, so building new muscle is critical to speeding up your metabolism. The best type of exercise for building muscle is weight-training. Combine a weight-training program with a men’s creatine monohydrate supplement to see significant increases in strength and muscle gains. Read “What is a Men’s Creatine Supplement?” to find out more about how this men’s nutritional supplement can help you increase muscle mass.