Skin Care

Men’s Grooming Tips for Healthy Nails


A lot of us men don’t pay much attention to the appearance of their nails. After all, manicures and pedicures for men aren’t exactly at the top of our priorities list. Nevertheless, nails deserve some attention in your men’s grooming routine. Healthy-looking nails are a good indicator of your overall health, and let’s be honest: nobody likes dirty fingernails – especially not your date or significant other. Use these men’s grooming tips to keep your nails healthy and improve their appearance.

How to Maintain Healthy-Looking Nails

Men’s Healthy Nails Tip #1: Don’t bite your nails. Most of us have outgrown this childhood habit, but sometimes we still do it without even noticing. This is especially true when we’re anxious or worried. Biting your nails is not only gross, but it opens up your mouth to a world of bacteria. Distract yourself whenever you feel the urge and consider carrying around gum to help you through times of weakness. Check out “Men’s Grooming Do’s and Don’ts” for a list of other bad men’s grooming habits.

Men’s Healthy Nails Tip #2: Get your vitamins. Many of the same antioxidants that are good for your skin are also necessary for healthy nails. This includes vitamins A, C and E. B vitamins, in particular, are important for strong fingernails. Eat a balanced diet and supplement your diet with a men’s multivitamin to help boost nail health and skin health. If you don’t eat a lot of fruits or vegetables, consider a men’s antioxidant supplement to help fill some nutritional gaps. “Men’s Antioxidants and Aging” has more information on the benefits of antioxidants for men.

Men’s Healthy Nails Tip #3: Apply a men’s body moisturizer. Your men’s body moisturizer not only helps your skin but also your nails. Everyday wear and tear can take a toll on your nails, making them dry and brittle. A moisturizer for men helps nail health by hydrating your nails and minimizing the risk of cracking. “Men’s Moisturizer Tips” offers more suggestions on using a body moisturizer for men.

Men’s Healthy Nails Tip #4: Keep your nails short. Cutting your fingernails regularly helps them from getting too long, which can increase your risk of damaging them during everyday activities. How often you should cut your fingernails depends on a number of factors, including your lifestyle. If you do a lot of manual labor, you may want to cut your nails more often than someone who works a desk job. Keeping your nails regularly trimmed also gives your hands a cleaner appearance. “Men’s Grooming Basics” contains more information on creating a proper men’s grooming regimen.

Men’s Healthy Nails Tip #5: Get a men’s manicure. A manicure isn’t just for women anymore. More guys are taking charge of their appearance and pampering their hands professionally to maintain healthy-looking nails. A manicure not only offers you an opportunity to relax, but it also feels really good. Give it a chance and see if you like it – it won’t hurt.

Men’s Healthy Nails Tip #6: Don’t neglect your feet. We’ve been talking about fingernails this whole time, but all this advice holds true for men’s  toenails as well. If you’re active, your toenails are particularly susceptible to damage. Treating your toenails with the same amount of attention will help keep your toenails healthy and avoid funky feet in the future. Read “Solving Sports-Related Men’s Skin Problems” for help on dealing with athlete’s foot and other men’s hygiene issues.