
Men’s Weight Loss: 9 Reasons Why Diets Fail

When we first start a diet, it’s easy to picture ourselves well on our way to weight-loss success. The reality is that the path to men’s weight-loss success is going to take some hard work. Healthy eating habits and a consistent fitness program are crucial for weight-loss success and long-term health. We’re here to help you along the way to make sure you avoid diet failure. Here are the nine big reasons why diets fail and what you can do about them.

Why Diets Fail

Reason #1: You’re too impatient. A lack of patience is a big reason why diets fail. We men like to see results immediately. Just because you turned your diet inside out doesn’t mean you’re suddenly going to become a magazine cover model in a few days. Realistically, you can expect to lose anywhere from 1-2 pounds a week — that’s considered the norm for healthy weight loss. While fad diets may help you lose more faster, you’ll gain the weight back just as fast. The key is to set realistic goals. Check out “How to Set Up Effective Men’s Nutrition and Fitness Goals” for help on setting up realistic goals and avoiding diet failure.

Reason #2: You don’t let yourself make mistakes. Another big reason why diets fail is that once we make a mistake, we let it that one mistake loom over us and affect the rest of our day. OK, so you gave into your pizza craving and scarfed down half a pie. That’s no excuse to let yourself eat junk food the rest of the day, too — all hope is not lost. Hit the gym, eat smaller portions and move on. The occasional lapse won’t lead to diet failure and affect your weight-loss success. It’s when you let that one mistake spiral into a series of bad decisions that you should start worrying. Visit MenScience Boot Camp for a structured plan that will help you achieve long-term results.

Reason #3: You do too much too soon. A lot of guys revamp their entire diet the first day they decide to start eating healthier. This is one of the biggest reasons why diets fail. Changing your entire diet on Day 1 is unrealistic because let’s be honest: Your bad eating habits aren’t going to change overnight. You’re better off making gradual changes. Start with one tweak, such as taking a men’s thermogenic formula or replacing a meal with a whey protein shake. Then work your way up from there. The next week, you can cut out soda and replace it with water or start taking a men’s multivamin, too. Even the tiniest of tweaks can result in big weight-loss success over the long term.

Reason #4: You’re not informed enough. We’re notorious for jumping into projects without reading the instructions or planning accordingly. The same holds true for weight loss. When it comes to something like weight-loss success, you want to make sure you have the best information available to help you reach your men’s weight-loss goals. MenScience Magazine is a great source for all things guy-related — and that includes men’s nutrition and men’s weight loss. Armed with the best men’s nutrition tips and the best men’s nutritional supplements from MenScience, you’ll have everything you need to get that lean physique you’ve always wanted.

Reason #5: You give into peer pressure. It’s easy to eat healthy in the comfort of your own home. After all, you have complete control over the foods in the fridge. But when that happy hour invitation or dinner party invitation comes your way, it can throw a wrench into your diet efforts. Whether you’re out having a beer with coworkers or dining out with some friends, you still have the choice to eat something healthy. You can always order a salad or a light beer, for example, so that you can indulge a little without completely derailing your diet. You could also have a whey protein shake beforehand so that you aren’t so hungry. Just be aware of all the food and drink options available and use your common sense — you’ll be fine. For help on dining out on a diet, check out “How to Eat Healthy at a Restaurant.”

Reason #6: You revert to your old habits. Once you reach your goal weight, you have a little more leeway in terms of what you can eat, but that doesn’t give you full reign to eat whatever you want. If you made the commitment to start eating healthier, it’s important to keep in mind that this is a long-term commitment. Many guys lose weight, only to gain it back in a few years — you don’t want that to happen. Make your healthy eating tweaks a habit and you’ll truly achieve weight-loss success. Read “Fat-Burning Foods for Men” and “8 Calorie-Cutting Tips for Men” for some more healthy eating advice.

Reason #7: You’re only focusing on the number on the scale. Just because the scale hasn’t budged doesn’t mean you’re failing to burn fat. You could be replacing fat with muscle, thus canceling out any weight loss. Instead of using a scale, consider using body fat calipers to accurately assess your body fat percentage – a regular scale can’t differentiate between fat and muscle. Although your ultimate goal might be to burn fat, you should also try to maintain and build muscle. You want to be fit – not just thin. Using MenScience 24-Fit System can help you grow muscle at the expense of fat. Check out “A Beginner’s Guide to Building Muscle” for more nutrition and fitness help.

Reason #8: You’re eating the wrong foods. Just because you’re eating more “diet foods” doesn’t mean you’re going to automatically lose weight. Diet foods typically replace sugar with fat, so you’re eating roughly the same amount of calories. Eating foods that are high in protein and low in calories is one way you can start eating better. Protein is a necessary nutrient for building muscle and keeping your body functioning at its best. Lean meats like chicken breast and pork loin are good healthy choices – so is a whey protein shake.  “Top 10 Power Foods for Men” lists some great foods you should be eating.

Reason #9: You’re taking the wrong men’s nutritional supplements. Men’s nutrition supplements can take your results to a whole new level. Sports nutrition supplements like creatine and pre-workout and post-workout formulas can boost your efforts in the gym. Make sure you’re taking the right supplements to fit your needs. If you want to burn fat, you need to be taking a men’s thermogenic formula. If you want to build muscle, you need a whey protein supplement and a creatine supplement to increase strength and muscle mass. “The Benefits of Protein for Men” explains the role of protein in boosting fat loss and muscle growth.