Skin Care

Quick Skincare Guide for Men

“If wishes were horses beggars would ride,”  men use to feel the same way a few decades back when the question was about their skin care. A general myth that people had was that skin care procedures were meant only for women and even men felt reluctant in using beauty products openly. But we the people of twenty first century are undoubtedly oversmart and are aware of every bit of skin care tips available for men.

When it comes to skin, men are slightly disadvantageous than women. Their skin is more prone to acne because of excessive sebum produced due to the influence of hormones, leading to an oily skin types. Nine out of 10 men are of oily skin types. However oily skin has a distinct advantage of a better future. Yes, you heard right! This is the major reason why men tend to look less aged than women, of same age. Being aware of all the men skin care regimes is good but there are some major issues that we tend to ignore. Like, they often use women skin care products, which prove not much beneficial to them. This is because men have entirely different skin type than women.

Let’s now throw some light on the fact that why there is a need to treat a man’s skin differently.

What makes men’s skin different to women?

  • Men have thicker skin than women, that’s why women tend to look aged than men at similar age.
  • Men’s skin is more fragile than women, despite being thicker in nature.
  • The oil producing glands in men are small but are more in quantity lubricating the skin more than in women.
  • They have oily skin than women due to the hormonal influence.

Men’s skin is needed to be treated differently.

Though there are many age defense factors associated with men’s skin but this doesn’t mean that we can escape the proper care required for our skin. From proper shaving to toning, men’s skin needs to be treated in a totally different manner altogether. Here we have some basics for good face care for men:

  • Cleansing: Most men use bar soaps to wash their face, these soaps strip’s natural oils of skin leaving it dry and itchy. Soaps can be ok if your skin is oily in excess. Otherwise liquid cleansers containing salicylic acid, benzyl peroxide and glycolic acid will be appropriate for men’s skin. All these are exfoliating agents allow for deeper cleansing of pores and removes dead cells.
  • Men’s moisturizers: After washing your skin apply a moisturizer to moisten your skin. These also differs according to skin types, like if you have oily skin gel or toner will be best for you. If the skin type is normal then go for light and less oily lotion and if you have dry skin type then use the cream or moisturizer with thickest formulation.
  • Be sun smart: Ultra violet rays of the sun are greatest reasons for skin ageing. Applying a sunscreen of SPF 30 some time before going out in sun can decrease the effect to much extent.

Along with all the above written skin treatments, there are few more tips for skin success.

  • Shaving (take it easy): Extremely harsh and too close shaving is harmful for the skin, as regular cutting of the skin leads to its breakage. A good quality razor and a shaving cream matching your skin type would be sufficient. If you suffer from after shave irritation then go for Aloe Vera shaving gel, it soothes the skin well.
  • Healthy habits: This doesn’t really mean that you should ban drinking, but drink healthy. Drinking occasionally doesn’t affect your skin much. Unlike healthy drinking there is no word like healthy smoking. Smoking impairs blood flow to skin causing wrinkles, drooping skin and unhealthy skin color. So for glowing and perfect looking skin you should quit smoking.
  • Eat healthy: As we age the need to eat healthy becomes more important for our health as well as for skin. Eat foods containing lots and lots of natural antioxidants, they keep the skin young. Take healthy drinks and diet to look healthy and young.