
Tips to Prevent Acne Scars


Let’s face facts: The only reason a guy called Scarface got respect was because of that extra-large arsenal of guns he toted around. For many men, the worst part of suffering from acne is not the redness, irritation and painful eruptions — it’s the embarrassing acne scarring that follows.

Acne scars are a seemingly-inevitable part of skin’s healing process, but men don’t have to let men’s acne scars ruin their appearance or self-confidence. Discover what you can do to help prevent acne scars from forming, and how you can reduce the appearance of acne scars with a variety of men’s acne skincare products.

How Acne Scars Form

Acne breakouts occur when pores become clogged by oil, dead skin cells and bacteria. Acne scars, on the other hand, form as a result of the healing process that skin undergoes after an acne breakout. The scarring usually occurs after the breakout when white blood cells and other molecules that help repair the acne leave behind thick, pitted or raised skin tissue.

There’s no guarantee that skin will or will not be scarred, and acne scars can form in reaction to mild, moderate or severe acne cases. If you have moderate or severe acne scars, it’s best to consult a dermatologist.

Steps to Help Prevent Men’s Acne Scars

Although acne scarring varies widely from man to man, one of the best ways to prevent them from forming is to maintain good skincare habits and treat acne with effective ingredients at the earliest stages of an outbreak.

1. Keep skin clean by washing each day with a gentle face cleanser for men, preferably one that contains salicylic acid as it will help keep pores clear. Constant washing won’t get rid of acne; it will deplete skin’s moisture level and provoke greater irritation and oil production.

2. For breakout-prone skin, follow washing with an application of a men’s face tonic, a toner which removes organic buildup while dissolving dead skin cells and pore-clogging, oily residues.

3. Regularly use a men’s acne product with benzoyl peroxide to help manage acne outbreaks. After the breakout has been controlled, keep it at bay by applying a men’s acne scar removal cream daily.

4. Cover your skin with an ultralight, non-comedegonic and oil-free sunscreen whenever you go outside. Sun exposure can provoke greater pore-clogging oil production, and redden or darken existing acne marks and lines.  Check out “Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage” for more tips on avoiding excessive sun exposure.

5. Never pop or pick at blackheads, whiteheads and pimples. You might think you’re clearing pores, but you’re actually spreading bacteria and irritating the skin, causing the repair process to take even longer.

Ways to Help Improve the Appearance of Men’s Acne Scars

If you already suffer from acne scarring, don’t throw in the towel. There are two major options to help improve the appearance of your skin.

Exfoliation: Exfoliating regularly with a men’s face scrub will remove dead skin cells, unclogs pores and may diminish the appearance of scars over time for a smoother appearance.  Don’t know the difference between a face scrub for men and a face wash for men? Read “Men’s Face Wash vs. Men’s Face Scrub: Which Should You Use? “ to find out.

Moisturizing: A vitamin-rich men’s moisturizer will help improve the appearance of your skin, making it smoother and supple. Acne scars and fine lines are also emphasized by dry skin, so using an oil-free men’s moisturizer to keep skin hydrated can improve your appearance quickly and easily. Read “Men’s Face Moisturizer Do’s and Don’ts” for tips on applying a moisturizer for men.