
What is a Men’s Creatine Supplement?


It’s no surprise that if you want to see results from exercise, you need to continuously challenge your muscles. It doesn’t matter the activity – cardio, weight training or otherwise: You need to give it your all during every workout to see progress. What if there was a supplement that could help you pump out one more rep, run that extra mile and give you that competitive edge to reach new levels of performance? That supplement is creatine monohydrate.

What is a Creatine Supplement?

Creatine is a naturally occurring substance in our body that is made from three amino acids: arginine, glycine and methionine. Its role is to help supply energy to the muscles. This energy, known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), is not the energy you get from consuming caffeine or taking a pre-workout supplement, which is more stimulant in nature. ATP is the energy responsible for muscle contractions. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to run, swim or lift weights, let alone get out of bed. During a workout, your muscles only have enough ATP to fuel contractions for a matter of seconds before it starts using glycogen – energy from carbs – as an alternate fuel source. While glycogen can also help produce ATP, it does so at a significantly slower rate than creatine.

Here’s how creatine monohydrate works: When consumed, creatine turns into the molecule creatine phosphate in the body. As your muscles use ATP to contract during exercise, ATP loses a phosphate and becomes adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Creatine phosphate quickly transfers its phosphate to ADP to quickly create more ATP, providing you with immediate energy. The more creatine you have in your body, the faster this process occurs.

Should I Take a Creatine Supplement?

If you work out regularly, you’re cheating yourself out of significant performance gains. A common misconception is that a creatine monohydrate supplement is only for bodybuilders who want to get humongous. This is false. The many benefits you’ll get from using a creatine supplement apply to all different types of sports and activities, especially those involving explosive movements (sprinting, weight lifting, etc.). Just make sure that you consult a physician before taking creatine or starting a workout program.

By taking a creatine supplement for men and following a regular fitness plan, you’ll notice the following changes:

1. More strength: Because creatine monohydrate provides muscles with explosive energy, you’ll be able to push yourself harder than before. This extra boost results in significant strength gains. If your fitness progress has hit a plateau, creatine may be the missing ingredient to help you ultimately shatter your limits. And as your strength increase, you’ll notice…

2. Increased muscle mass: Your ability to lift heavier weights, sprint faster and exceed your usual performance will help you pack on muscle (as long as your diet is OK, of course). It doesn’t matter if you want to gain a modest amount of muscle to look more toned or gain a lot to get huge – creatine aids the muscle-building process by helping you break your personal records.

3. Faster results: We all want that silver bullet that will get us the body of our dreams overnight. Realistically, though, we know that getting fit takes time and effort. Creatine, however, can help you achieve your goals faster. The harder you can push yourself at the gym, on the court or field, the more changes your muscles undergo, bringing you one step closer to your ultimate fitness goals.

What is creatine loading?

If you’re just starting to take a creatine monohydrate supplement for men, it’s strongly recommended that you follow a “loading phase.” During the creatine loading phase (the first five days of taking this product), you should take a double dose of creatine throughout the day to speed up muscle saturation. This way, creatine reaches peak concentrations in your muscles faster than if you didn’t load. The quicker your muscles fill up with creatine, the sooner you’ll start seeing results. After the creatine loading phase, one scoop of creatine after your workout will suffice in keeping your levels elevated.

What to Look for in a Creatine Supplement for Men

There are several different types of creatine available, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Instead of buying just one, you should select a blend of creatine that combines the benefits of all of them. Here are the three types of creatine your supplement should have, along with other important ingredients:

Creatine Monohydrate: This is one of the most widely researched types of creatine and its effectiveness is supported by hundreds of studies. It’s a good foundation for boosting the natural creatine content of muscles. It is not as quickly and efficiently absorbed as other types of creatine, however, and is likelier to cause bloating.

– Creatine Ethyl Ester (CEE): CEE is an altered form of creatine monohydrate that has been formulated for better absorption by the body. Because your body can absorb this creatine type more efficiently, less of it is required. While CEE hasn’t been as widely studied as creatine monohydrate and it remains a very expensive ingredients, its benefits remain the same as its counterpart: more strength, increased muscle mass and faster results.

Magnesium Creatine Chelate: One of the newest types of creatine available, magnesium creatine chelate is a type of creatine that has magnesium attached to it. The chemical addition of magnesium is intended to optimize absorption by the body by shielding creatine from breakdown in the digestive tract, thus increasing its effects. This ingredient is only available in the most advanced creatine products.

– Glycerol: Glycerol is a compound that helps keep the body hydrated. It complements creatine by promoting fluid retention, which can give muscles a fuller, larger appearance. In addition to its hydrating effects, glycerol may also increase blood volume, thus improving muscle pumps during a workout. Research has indicated that combining glycerol with creatine can significantly improve the benefits of creatine.

MenScience Creatine Workout Results Booster contains an ideal ratio of these three creatine types along with glycerol to help you achieve your full workout potential. This supplement, along with the other advanced products in the MenScience Scientific Nutrition Program, will help you succeed in achieving your fitness goals.