
8 Calorie-Cutting Tips for Men


Dieting doesn’t have to be complicated. A lot of us think that weight loss is about completely overhauling your lifestyle. That’s not true. There are many tiny tweaks you can make to your daily routine to cut calories and lose fat. Here are 8 easy ways to start losing weight today:

1. Drink water. Soft drinks and juices are loaded with calories. Reducing your soda intake is one of the easiest ways to cut hundreds of calories from your daily calorie intake.  Replace them with water, which has no calories and will keep you well-hydrated. Need some flavor? Add some lemon or lime. You can also mix yourself a whey protein shake for a tasty, low-calorie beverage. To know how much water you need, read our story “9 Hydration Tips for Men.”

2. Go easy on condiments. Mayonnaise, barbecue sauce and other condiments are great for adding flavor to meals, but they’re also notorious for adding extra calories and fat. You don’t have to give them up all together, though. See if you can find “lite” versions of your favorite condiments. If not, just use half your usual serving; this will help you enjoy the real flavor of the food.

3. Avoid the vending machine. Vending machine food is convenient when you’re in a rush, but they aren’t exactly the healthiest fare. If you know you’re going to be on the road a lot, pack some healthy snacks in advance. Check out “Healthy Snack Ideas for Men” for some suggestions. If it’s short notice, look for trail mix and protein bars in the machines; many vending machines nowadays offer at least some types of healthy food.

4. Choose low-fat or non-fat dairy products. You can find a variety of low-fat milk, cheese and yogurt options. These “light” foods have less dietary fat than their whole counterparts, which translates to fewer calories. Whenever possible, stick to skim or 1%-fat dairy products for the fewest calories.

5. Supplement your diet. A men’s thermogenic formula and men’s CLA supplement can help kick-start your metabolism, helping you burn more calories. Using these supplements while following a healthy diet and exercising regularly has been shown to reduce body fat and increase muscle mass. Sports nutrition supplements like whey protein and creatine have also been shown to help boost workout performance and produce significant strength and muscle gains.

6. Skip dessert. If you dine out a lot and usually get dessert, skip it next time. Restaurant desserts can have more than 1,000 calories and several days’ worth of fat. If you have to soothe your sweet tooth, get some frozen yogurt at a nearby shop or ask your server if they have mini-desserts; many restaurant chains now sell dessert shooters, which are individual-size dessert portions that are lower in calories.  Alternatively, you can choose fruit or coffee over dessert.

7. Use low-calorie mixers or choose low-carb beer. There’s no need to decline a happy hour invitation just because you’re on a diet. Whether you’re going out with coworkers or going out on a date, you can still imbibe. Stick to low-calorie mixers like club soda and diet soft drinks or grab a light beer; regular beer, wine and spirits average about 200 calories per serving – and that’s without mixers!

8. Don’t eat everything on your plate. Just because it’s in front of you doesn’t mean you have to eat it. This is especially true when dining out: Many restaurant portions are actually 2-3 servings more than what you should eat. Eat slowly so that your body has time to signal that it’s full. That way, you can avoid overeating and feeling guilty afterward. Read “10 Men’s Nutrition Tips You Need” for more healthy eating help.