Anti Aging Nutrition

8 Best Anti-Aging Foods for Men


Want to stay looking young? Then it’s time to start eating some anti-aging foods for men. Research shows that the foods you eat can play a significant role in aging signs like wrinkles and fine lines. Antioxidants in certain foods can help reduce oxidative stress and free radical damage, which can lead to premature aging signs in men. Creating an anti-aging diet with antioxidant-rich foods for men is simple. Add the following anti-aging foods for men into your diet to increase your antioxidant intake and stay looking young for years to come.

The Best Anti-Aging Foods for Men

1. Sweet Potato: This starchy food is a rich source of beta-carotene, the pre-cursor to vitamin A. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that should be a staple of any men’s anti-aging diet because it has been shown to be one of the most effective antioxidants in the battle against free radical damage. Sweet potatos are also a good source of fiber, which has been linked to improved cardiovascular health as well as a number of other health benefits. For a list of other great foods for your heart, check out “8 Heart-Healthy Foods for Men.”

2. Whey Protein: Whey protein isn’t so much a food as it is a nutrient, but it’s a very important one in your anti-aging diet. Whey protein, which is found in dairy products alongside casein protein, is crucial to muscle growth and tissue repair. Whey protein is composed of several amino acids that can reduce inflammation and free radical damage, two factors that contribute heavily to aging signs in men. To get more whey protein in your diet, consider taking a men’s whey protein supplement with isolates and hydrolysates for optimal absorption. “The Benefits of Whey Protein for Men” contains more info on why whey is so important in an anti-aging diet.

3. Cayenne Pepper: Turning up the heat of your meals with a little cayenne pepper can go a long way in your anti-aging diet. Cayenne pepper is a great anti-aging superfood because it contains certain nutrients that have a vaso-dilating effect on the body. In other words, it dilates blood vessels to improve circulation; this may help support nutrient transport, maximizing the benefits of antioxidants on your skin. Cayenne pepper also has a thermogenic effect on the body by speeding up your metabolism and increasing calorie burn. For more information on thermogenic supplements for men, check out “What is a Thermogenic Supplement?

4. Water: Not only is it critical for your survival, but it’s also a great zero-calorie drink that keeps your skin hydrated, lowering the chances of developing premature aging signs. Unfortunately, a lot of us are not getting enough water. Eight glasses of water isn’t enough for those of us who lead an active lifestyle. Take a look at “9 Hydration Tips for Men” to find out exactly how much of this anti-aging powerhouse you should be consuming.

5. Watermelon: One of the most nutrient-dense anti-aging foods for men, watermelon packs a powerful punch against free radical damage. This antioxidant food is packed with water, making it a good source of hydration. It’s also rich in selenium and zinc, two nutrients that are essential for optimal skin health. Chop some up and take it with you as a healthy snack — this anti-aging food for men is low in calories and extremely filling. Check out “Healthy Snack Ideas for Men” for a list of healthy foods to munch on.

6. Chocolate: For many men, this is one of their favorite anti-aging foods. It’s a great source of flavonoids, antioxidants that may help slow down the aging process. The issue with chocolate is that it’s high in calories, so it’s important to practice portion control. Otherwise, you’ll start to see a big change in your waistline. You can also get a similar antioxidant boost from a men’s antioxidant supplement. Read “The Ultimate Anti-Aging Guide for Men” for more men’s anti-aging tips.

7. Ginger: This anti-aging food for men is known for its anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce free radical damage. It also aids digestion and helps boost immune response. Use this anti-inflammatory food in your tea, curry mixes and even desserts.

8. Berries: Anti-inflammatory foods like berries provide a strong defense against oxidative stress and free radical damage. Because they are high-antioxidant foods, berries may be especially useful in potentially lowering the risk of certain heart conditions. They’re also a good snack if you’re trying to lose weight. “Fat-Burning Foods for Men” lists more healthy foods to consider adding to your anti-aging diet.