
Men’s Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Tailgate

Football season is underway, so it’s time to fire up the grill for some burgers and hotdogs while enjoying some cold beer. If you aren’t careful, though, all these calories can add up for some serious weight gain – especially if you tailgate week after week. To keep yourself from looking like a football, follow these tailgating tips to enjoy yourself without packing on the pounds.

1. Eat a healthy snack before heading to the game. By eating something prior to the game, you’ll be less likely to overeat at the tailgate. A handful of nuts, a whey protein shake or a yogurt should be enough to stop you from getting that second helping of fatty pasta salad. Check out “Healthy Snack Ideas for Men” for more snacking advice.

2. Opt for smaller portions. Let’s be realistic: You’re not going to find a lot of healthy food at a tailgate – if there’s even any at all. That doesn’t mean you should avoid eating altogether. Just eat in moderation. Instead of scarfing down two burgers, just eat one. Instead of 3-4 beers, stick to 1-2. Read “8 Calorie-Cutting Tips for Men” for more help on controlling your calorie intake.

3. Take a men’s multivitamin. Tailgate food isn’t known for being nutrient-dense, so make sure you’re taking a men’s multivitamin daily to avoid any vitamin deficiency. This should be a daily habit, anyway – the average American diet doesn’t provide all the crucial nutrients your body needs to function at its best. “Men’s Multivitamins 101” further explains why you should supplement your diet with a men’s multivitamin.

4. Slow down. If you’re in a big rush to get into the stadium, you’ll likely eat more than you should. Your body needs time to signal that it’s full, so by eating too fast, you’re putting yourself on the road to diet disaster. Sit down, socialize and take your time – tailgates are more about the people you’re with rather than the food you’re eating. “6 Quick Diet Tweaks for Men” has more nutrition advice to check out.

5. Cook your own food. Make a nutritious tailgating snack or dish like a homemade dip to help make the tailgate a little healthier. Since you’re making it, you have complete control over what goes in it. If you’d rather buy something, always read the nutrition labels to ensure you’re choosing the foods that provide the best nutritional value for your buck.

6. Drink lots of water. Water can help fill you up and also keeps you from becoming dehydrated from all that alcohol and sun exposure. Staying hydrated is especially helpful for men’s skin – dehydration can lead to dry skin and other men’s skincare issues. Read “9 Hydration Tips for Men” for more information on how much water you should be consuming.

7. Pick leaner cuts of meat. Leaner cuts of meat have fewer calories and less fat; chicken breast and pork tenderloin are some good choices. Also, trimming any visible fat helps keep fat – and calories — to a minimum. You can learn more about the different kinds of fats by reading “Dietary Fats: The Basics.”

8. Don’t neglect your skin. Consider this a bonus tip. Since you’re going to be out in the sun, it’s important to take care of your skin by preventing sun damage. Make sure you’re using an SPF 30 sunblock for men to keep sunburn and other skin damage at bay while you’re enjoying yourself at the tailgate. “Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage” has some more great men’s skincare tips.